Why I Sleep With Women But Won’t Date One

Understanding the split-attraction model

Meghan Madness


Photo made by the author on Canva

I’ve had an attraction towards women since I was very young. Around the age of six, I remember looking at my female classmates in awe, not like how I looked at boys, aka, the keepers of cooties; girls were always an instant inducement. My first sexual experience, kiss, the feeling of love, and friendship, was with a woman. But no matter how much I indulge in the esoteric essence of women, I could never date a woman.


Bisexual, as by definition, is being sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender; attracted to both men and women. I’ve been bombarded with comments and hate saying that I am fetishizing women because of the limits of my attraction for women. Why won’t you date or marry a woman? Oh, you’re fetishizing them! How sick! No, I don’t fetishize women; I enjoy sharing myself with them, just as I do with men.

The split attraction model

The split attraction model or SAM is a model of attraction used by many ace-spec and aro-spec people to describe their identity. The SAM states that for some people sexual attraction and romantic attraction are two different things. For example, an asexual person may feel romantic attraction, and an…



Meghan Madness

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.