Why Moaners, Groaners, and Screamers are The Best Women to Bed

They hold the power to heal our sexual shame”

Dona Mwiria


Photo by Dih Andréa from Pexels

A wise friend once said, “No great sex ever started with she was quiet and coy”… He was right.

In the past I was the type of lover that would lie there motionless with limbs splattered on the bed like a starfish. Why? because I had perky breasts, a well groomed vagina and a pretty face. I thought that was all it took to be great at sex.

I was wrong!

As I grew into my sexuality and embraced it in all its forms, I realized, that moaners, groaners, and screamers are the best women to bed. Not only because “men love expressive women” but because these women embody what is needed to heal a sexually starved world. Here are 4 reasons why vocal women are the best.

#1. Vocal women understand the power of auditory stimulation.

In ancient times before, sexuality was considered shameful. Young women were taught the art of moaning; this was not only to arouse men but to increase their own pleasure.

The technique involved releasing coital sounds from the belly and not the throat. When it came from the throat it was high-pitched but when it came from the stomach it was low pitched…



Dona Mwiria

I have a Masters degree in Biochemistry. I write about science, sexuality and relationships. If you you enjoy research with a touch of humor… I’m your writer