Why You Should Be Concerned If You Don’t Have an Interest in Sex Anymore

It could be a sign of a serious issue.

Tara Blair Ball
Published in
6 min readJan 14, 2023


Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

“Red is the color of lust, but green is what lust leaves behind, in heart... Green is what is left when ardor fades, when passion dies, when we die, too.” — Essel from “The Green Knight”

The following couples once soaked each other in, explored and knew each other through and in, but now that had stopped. One of them didn’t want to anymore. One of them avoided, deflected, denied. One of them always said they were ill, tired, full, busy… The other might have withdrawn advances to avoid continued rejections, and then stopped too the soft caresses and titillating text messages that had sustained the romance out of the bedroom.

Couple 1: The lights were off, but her eyes looked out into the darkness. She heard him shift in bed beside her, and she prayed he wouldn’t roll over and try to touch her.

Couple 2: When she asked if he was coming to bed, he told her, “No, I want to finish this show.”

Couple 3: “Why don’t you want to have sex anymore?” his partner asked. He looked away, like he couldn’t imagine they were having this conversation…



Tara Blair Ball

Certified Relationship Coach, Author, and Podcast Co-host for Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse. https://beacons.page/tara.relationshipcoach