Women Don’t Like Fucking Men Who Are Quiet During sex

Read on to find out why.

Dona Mwiria


Photo by Francesca Zama from Pexels

I was once with a man who was quiet as a church mouse. Each time we engaged in fellacio he would he would hold his breath and clench his jaws in an attempt to keep his cool. When a hiss escaped his lips he would quickly contain himself. It was a buzz kill because he spent more energy keeping his cool than enjoying sex.

I wanted him to lose control, to break all barriers and just be in the moment. But he couldn’t. And I couldn’t bring myself to ask him either. Sex became a war of wills. His will to contain himself and my will to do whatever I could to make him explode. Only problem is my pleasure didn’t fit into that equation. Sex became a chore and I lost interest.

It turned out most men “kept their cool”.

What I found interesting was that our closest living relative didn’t. A short video clip shown to me my colleague majoring in Zoology showed a male thrusting away as he groaned and grunted in pleasure while the female moaned and screamed grabbing him tighter as though to go deeper.

What grabbed my attention was not much the mating style but rather how the male was just as immersed in pleasure as the female. And he was expressing it.



Dona Mwiria

I have a Masters degree in Biochemistry. I write about science, sexuality and relationships. If you you enjoy research with a touch of humor… I’m your writer