Your ‘Type’ Could Be Hardwired

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3 min readDec 2, 2019

I’ve been around long enough to question things, especially about myself. Why do I think like that? Why do I like this? Why do I like… her? You know, the usual thoughts that go through one’s head. One of the more interesting ones though is why am I so drawn to a particular ‘type’ of woman…?

People are complex. Even if you think you are not, you are. Those people you might think are, well, stupid (for whatever reason), they are complex too. There are so many little things that fly around our neural pathways that make up who we are and what we do, that it’s amazing we get out of bed in the morning!

So when it comes to applying the question of ‘what’s your type?’ to myself, the answer is something I have grappled with for a long time now.

You see, I am magnetically drawn to women who are very physical. Height, facial features, hair color, whatever, all take a back seat to the silhouette. Broad shoulders, lean, muscular, if the physical attributes fit, something in my primal brain fires off, it’s like a drug. Last week in the supermarket I found myself drawn to a woman who was the ideal of this physique; the logical, rational part of me was just along for the ride, while the other went into matchmaking overdrive.… and I only saw her from the back at first!

This is not to say that there are no other ‘things’ that make a woman attractive to me. Many I have dated were far from this ‘type’, their intellect, quirkiness or wit winning me over, but if I look back, all my serious relationships, all the women I have instantly been drawn to, have physically matched this type.

It sounds trite, shallow, I know and I have grappled with this for many, MANY years. Am I really just a shallow person?

But having thought about it for a long while, I can honestly say there was absolutely nothing in my life growing up that would have, could have, developed this ‘trait’ in me. And I do mean nothing. Yet my first girlfriend in my mid-teens matched this ‘type’, as did my second and third. My Ex did too. There was no commonality between any of them, facial features, hair color, height, breast size, intellectually, whatever, other than the fact that they were all outwardly ’physical’ people.

Ultimately this has led me to conclude that, while maybe not everyone, there’s a chunk of people out there has an attraction ‘type’ genetically wired into them. I, through no real design of my own, am an active person, so maybe part of this internal wiring also means I am attracted to a similar type and no matter how hard I have tried to deviate from this, I always end up back at the same place.; my caveman brain simply desires the idea of a woman I can hunt a Wooly mammoth with, rather than one that picks berries…

So while they say beauty is skin deep, which in turn makes me conflicted with who *I* am in today’s everyone should be open world (you know, I don’t think I am shallow or superficial), maybe we should accept, as we do for sexuality, that for some people out there beauty, or their interpretation of it, is simply hard-wired into them and try as they might, there’s nothing they can do about it.

I’m a guy, writing about….sex (I know, right?), and the travels of life.




A guy writing about….sex (I know, right?), and the travel’s of life.