You've Probably Experienced This Feeling (Without Knowing It Was An Orgasm)

I've got chills; they're multiplying…

Ash Jurberg
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2022


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Sitting with my family, I got shivers up my spine, my skin started tingling, and I orgasmed.

That may sound like the first line from a very weird erotic story, but it isn't. Instead, it was a normal experience brought on by a beautiful song.

I had experienced a 'skin orgasm,' and it's something 55 to 86 percent of the population has experienced.

This means there is a strong chance that you have had a skin orgasm and never even known what it was.

To shiver

The official name of this phenomenon is a frisson. When said in a sexy French accent, it is pronounced: "free-sawn." Translated from French, it literally means "to shiver."

It was first discussed in a paper published in Frontiers in Psychology by music psychologists Psyche Loui and Luke Harrison. The duo said a frisson or "skin orgasm" is "a pleasurable sensation that is paradoxically both universal and variable. It affects different parts of the body depending on the person and circumstances of induction and retains similar sensory, evaluative, and affective biological and psychological components to sexual orgasm."

