Don’t Drink And Dive

Willow Thorn
The Sex-Positive Blog
4 min readDec 27, 2017

Oral sex is my favorite way to get my husband off — If I am not in the mood to fuck. I don’t like to leave him wanting for sex simply because I am not up to it (usually when I am on my period). Hand jobs are boring and require a lot of arm muscle that I don’t have, but sucking his cock is simple and his reaction to what I can do makes it thoroughly enjoyable. However, I wasn’t always a fan of oral sex — for the longest time I was even scared of it. The first time I ever performed oral, was the worst experience and taught me a valuable lesson:


I was hanging out with a guy I liked and we were drinking, listening to music and talking about chicks. He told me about some crazy bitch that liked to bite his cock every time she went down on him.

“I think I might have a wound, but I can’t really see…” He said.

“Do you want me to look?” I blurted out the question nonchalantly, but froze when I realized what it meant.

“Do you…want to see it?” He asked.

“Sure,” I shrugged trying not to be awkward. We weren’t little kids; it wasn’t like I’d never seen a cock before … and I really wanted to see his.

We set our beers down (it should be noted, we already drank a full bottle of peach schnapps with Sprite and each had a couple bottles of Heineken). I felt lightheaded from the alcohol and arousal as he undid his pants and slid them, along with his boxers, down his legs. His cock sprang out long and fully erect. I tried to stifle the gasp that barely escaped my lips by turning it into a cough. I caught the small smirk on his lips.

“Uh, so where did she bite you?” I asked, trying to sound more like a doctor than the wild, ravenous lust-filled creature raging within.

“Under here,” he said, moving his shaft so the underside near his shaved testicles was exposed.

I leaned over to examine it. I could see a small bruise, but no skin was broken. As I did my inspection, I noticed his fingers sliding up and down his shaft. He was clearly as aroused by this as I was.

“Why did she bite you?” I asked.

“I dunno, some people get off on that sort of thing…Do you bite?” He asked.

“I’ve never sucked anyone’s cock before.” I confessed.

“Do you want to suck mine?”

There it was, a blunt honest question, to which I gave a blunt honest answer.


He decided it would be more comfortable for me if we were on the sofa. He stretched out and I knelt between his legs. I pulled my hair back, and took his long erection in my hands, running them up and down his length. He sighed at my touch.

“Lick my balls.” He instructed.

I leaned down. The smell of sweat between his thighs was not pleasant, but I didn’t expect it would be. I let my tongue rove over his smooth hairless sac then all the way up his long shaft. He shuddered and gasped and I felt pleasure in his reaction. I was eager to find out what I could do so I took the tip of his cock in my mouth, then without hesitation I impaled myself, taking his full length hard and fast all the way to the back of my throat.


Immediately, my gag reflexes were triggered and the whole night’s worth of alcohol consumption came up in a pool of vomit that covered him from tip to testicles. I was mortified. Fortunately for me though, he was cool about the whole situation. He cleaned himself up first, then I used his shower. Luckily, he had a younger brother who wasn’t too much taller than me and he gave me one of his shirts to change into. I went home that night feeling humiliated. We never spoke of it again, but we also never hung out — though to be honest I never wanted to after that. I refused to go down on anyone for a long time. Even after I met my husband, I was reluctant to suck his cock, and wouldn’t even let him cum in my mouth out of fear it might make me vomit. When I finally got the courage to try again, I found that I really enjoyed it (I even love to swallow). If you have ever had a bad experience going down on a guy, but think you are ready to try again remember two things: Don’t rush and Don’t Drink and Dive.



Willow Thorn
The Sex-Positive Blog

Female Gemini. Blogger, Nerd, Chef, Animal Lover & Avid Reader. Open-minded, stimulating conversationalist & sensual story-teller.