Let’s not kink shame, k?

Ultimately, we all live in glass houses

The Sex-Positive Blog
3 min readJun 11, 2018


It doesn’t matter if you think my kink is icky or wrong. It doesn’t matter if it’s someone else’s kink, my kink, your kink — any kink.

Doesn’t matter.

So long as it takes place between consenting adults and isn’t hurting anyone else, it isn’t really your problem or place (or, with a slightly different emphasis, ‘it really isn’t your problem or place’) to shame other people for being themselves.


I’m a little (ddlg style, i.e. Daddy Dom/Little Girl), and the interest gets a lot of hate due to misunderstanding, but I like to color, cuddle, and be a carefree, little ball of joy sometimes while watching Tinkerbell. Does it hurt anyone? No. Am I asking you to approve? No. Does it make me happy to spend my time how I like with my caregivers?


I’m just asking that others (and myself) not be shamed for what we’re into doing inside the privacy of our own homes. We’d love to be open and sex-positive all the time, but it’s foolhardy to let your freak flag fly when you’re likely to face flak for the things you find fun.

Be it the sodomy laws that prohibited not only same-sex intimacy, but also heterosexual oral sex even between married couples, or (politics aside) shaming Trump for a potential interest in water sports, the media and society go to great lengths to shame those who have ‘unusual’ interests, and they try to force the same conformist, sanitized attitudes and opinions about sex on us all.

But it’s no one’s damn business what I’m into or not.

There are kinks I don’t like, things I’m not interested in, or make me cringe, and that’s okay. Everyone has different limits and interests.

What everyone doesn’t have is the right to push one’s personal judgments on others. Let’s agree to practice some tolerance, and let’s not kink shame, k?

Kink-shaming — and shame, in general — is a symptom of sex-negativity, and the cure is pretty simple, though by no means easy: treat fellow human beings with respect and love, affirming their dignity and worth, regardless of sexual orientation, sexual activity or gender expression.

That’s why we put together the #SexPositiveWorld.

There you can take the pledge, learn more about businesses and organizations that have pledged sex-positivity in 2018 and download a pledge badge to embed on your website or social media to help spread the word about sex-positivity. Give it a look!



The Sex-Positive Blog

Bisexual, polyamorous, kinkster - just trying to squeeze as much as I can into and out of life