National Women’s Month and sex positivity

What does sex positivity mean to you?

The Sex-Positive Blog
3 min readMar 14, 2018


International Women’s Day has passed but March is still National Women’s Month, so we’re gonna celebrate women all month long! Seeing as this is a sex-positive blog, I went to some of the women in my life and asked them what sex positivity means to them! With their permission, I’ve compiled their answers here. It was great to see what different answers everyone came up with. The only rules: there is no one definition of sex positivity, and you don’t have to have had sex to know what it means to you.

“Sex positivity is, or can be, being comfortable with ourselves and our bodies. It can be ‘normal,’ safe and healthy sex. I’m a virgin so, sex positivity to me is being comfortable with my body and exploring it. Doing whatever feels comfortable to me. As I explore my body, I make sure whatever I use is body-safe. I feel like we should have the freedom to explore each other because without knowing who we are, can we even let someone in ourselves? We don’t have to just get to know our personalities. Let’s meet the outside and inside of our bodies. Being comfortable with yourself and not letting anything or anyone stop us. Even as a virgin, I’m not letting anything stop me.” — Taylor O. (aged 19)

My bestie hits the nail on the head with her definition of sex positivity


That is a super important part of sex positivity. I don’t judge others for what they do with their bodies. Instead, I embrace and lift others up. Creating judgment and fear around sex makes it harder to create a safer sex environment.


Click the link above to tweet out what sex positivity means to you!

“Being sex positive means practicing safe and consensual sex. It means not judging others’ sexual fantasies unless they involve rape or pedophilia.” — Shauna, 24.

Screenshot used with permission from twitter user @brownskin_fenty

“It’s about women making choices for their bodies and on their terms”

In the words of me, YAAASSSSSS Ryann! Sex positivity has so much to do with choice. We choose how sexual or nonsexual we want to be, and the whole point of sex positivity is that choice. Some people think sex positivity is about being able to choose to have as much sex as possible but it’s also about the choice not to.

Now, what does sex positivity mean to this writer?

Sex positivity to me is being open-minded in terms of sex. It means safe, comprehensive sex education that doesn’t only prescribe abstinence. Most of all, it means minding your business about what other people choose to do with their bodies.

What does sex positivity mean to you? Respond in the comments with your own definitions of sex positivity. Share the article with your friends and get your own discussions going as well. Happy National Women’s month!

