Personal Erotic Myths survey

An intriguing paradigm for understanding fetish, kink & BDSM

Kevin M. Cook
The Sex-Positive Blog
3 min readFeb 15, 2018


Click the image to jump to researcher Galen Fous’ website

I’m a sucker for surveys.

As a Content Strategist/Marketer, I’m into data. Deeply. So I’m on board when researchers are trying to collect it, generally. I don’t assume people are going to do anything nefarious with my personal info, since I’m ‘in the industry’ and I know most of what most of us do isn’t nefarious.

So when I saw the PEMSurvey, which intersected my love for surveys and my line of work with Mystiq, naturally, I was very excited and decided to promote it as widely as I could. You’ll see it on all of Mystiq’s social media throughout the day today.

Here’s a bit of background on the researcher (Galen Fous):

  • Committed to creating a world where you feel safe, normal and encouraged to consciously express your authentic sexuality
  • “Galen Fous is a precious resource for faculty and students investigating human sexuality.” -Dr. Mary M. Clare, Lewis and Clark College
  • “He has a vast knowledge of sexuality, and also some cutting edge theory around sexual integrity, authenticity and honesty and the mythic erotic stories that drive one’s sexuality.” -Dr. Chris Allen, Portland State University
  • Uses Fetishsexuality as though it’s a single word. A lot.

That was basically all I needed to know. The information preceding the survey caught my attention as I got ready to take the survey:

I believe that upwards of 15% of the population has an inherent fetish-driven sexual nature, held within a PEM(s), just as around 10% of the gene pool is gay or lesbian in their sexual orientation. I speculate that it may be a MUCH higher percentage, and I am attempting to explore this theory further.

Completing the Survey may help you shed more light on your own desires, and be able to better consider how to engage them consciously in your life and your relationships.

Interesting! That’s a big swing (imo). I can confirm that completing the survey did cause me to be a bit more thoughtful about some of my personal peccadilloes (that’s a slightly sex-negative word, but I’m more-than-slightly pro-alliteration).

You can also sign up to receive future updates as the research progresses, which I did. I’ll be curious to see where it goes — what do you guys think? Does 15% sound like a reasonable estimate for individuals with ‘inherent fetish-driven sexual nature[s]?’ Is that a fair way to characterize ‘Fetishsexuality?’ If you have thoughts, leave a response. I’m curious to see what you guys think, as well.



Kevin M. Cook
The Sex-Positive Blog

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