Goldie Frost.

Martha Mewart
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2016


“I just go with the flow, I follow the yellow brick road. I don’t know where it’s going to lead me, but I follow it.”- Grace Jones

I know sometimes health foodies come off as born-again Jesus freaks but I am here to say unlike Christ, changing your diet really will save you!

One of the biggest myths about eating well is that it’s expensive — or should I say, unaffordable? Don’t get me wrong, buying organic will cost more but if you plan wisely it’s definitely do-able for about $200 a month. Buy things in bulk. Go to Trader Joe’s. The biggest cost you’ll face is time. That’s right, you will have to allocate time to COOK the food — but it’s so worth it!

Another myth is eating healthy is boring. Wrong again! When I still ate meat/when I didn’t care about what I ate, I didn’t eat much of a variety of anything. A bagel, egg, and cheese from the deli for breakfast, $1 slice pizza for lunch, and a turkey hero from my corner bodega for dinner. So boring! Now I’m constantly coming up with new recipes, incorporating the plethora of fruits, vegetables, and grains nature has to offer us. My meals are much more interesting (not to mention satisfying) now that I care about what nutrients go into my body. I’m no longer eating just to feel full (what a mundane task), but I’m consciously selecting foods with vitamins and minerals that help make my body be its best.

Purposeful eating changed my life. I have more energy. I haven’t been sick in six months (except for the few times I’ve cheated and eaten meat). I’m happy ALL THE TIME! Okay, maybe not all the time because I have killer mood swings, but I do feel as though changing my diet helped with my depression. I notice a HUGE difference in my mood if I go too long without eating something fresh and green. I’m still a very anxious person, but I’m not so sure that’s something food will help me shake.

Anyway, the point is, you can make the change too! It’s easier than it seems and the benefits multiple. Need more inspiration?THERE ARE SO MANY GREAT INSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS TO FOLLOW! I also use Pinterest to help come up with recipes. For example, I typed in ‘yellow smoothie’ for ideas before creating the one below.


  • 1–2 cups of chia pudding
  • 2 Opal apples
  • 1 yellow bell pepper
  • 3 medjool dates
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • ~ 1/2 cup of frozen mango
  • ~ 1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks


First make your chia pudding. I followed a recipe provided by my friend Lee Tilghman on her blog Lee From America.

Next, pop the apples, dates, and the pepper into blender and puree. I use a high-powered blender made by Ninja, but I’ve also heard nothing but praise for the professional Vitamix.

Next, add in frozen ingredients and lemon. I said about 1/2 for each, but honestly, I never measure my frozen fruit. I always eyeball and then add more based on the desired taste or consistency I want. Before blending again I also added in a nub of freshly grated ginger and a dash of turmeric and cardamom. Depending on desired consistency, add nut milk of choice. I opted to add in some some Greek yogurt because A) I’m not vegan yet, and B) I try to pack in the protein.

To create the parfait, spoon the chia pudding into a mason jar or glass first, followed with a layer of yellow smoothie. Continue alternating until you reach the top. I garnished with some pineapple chunks and bee pollen. ENJOY!

PS. I named this smoothie in honor of a friend’s newly born baby. Goldie Frost was born February 24th, 4 lbs 15 oz — so teeny! Wishing them both the best!!!



Martha Mewart

Social Media and Creative Strategist. Pop Culture Enthusiast. Mostly Vegan.