Day of Action Social Media Round-Up

Everyone has a role to play in ending sexual violence — and this week, for the Sexual Assault Awareness Month Day of Action, countless individuals wore teal to show their support for survivors. Wearing teal serves as a conversation-starter for important issues about consent, respect, and supporting survivors.

Below are some stand-out examples of how organizations and college campuses from all across the country joined in to embrace their voice for change.

Victim Services Organizations

Victim service organizations, such as rape crisis centers, had staff members wear teal and join together for group photos to show their support for survivors.

College Campuses/Police/Student Orgs

Colleges and universities across the country honored the Day of Action in unique ways to help raise awareness and educate students about issues like consent and how to support survivors. Some schools created displays around campus to show solidarity for survivors while others opted for tabling activities.



National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2018

NSVRC provides research & tools to advocates working on the frontlines to end sexual harassment, assault, and abuse.