Survivors and allies use creativity to uplift Sexual Assault Awareness Month

By Susan Sullivan, Prevention Campaign Specialist for NSVRC

April kicked off the sixth annual #30DaysofSAAM Instagram contest hosted by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC). The contest encourages survivors and allies, colleges and universities, and service-based organizations — like rape crisis centers — to promote messages of support for survivors, sexual assault prevention, and healthy relationships all month long. Contest submissions give us a look behind the scenes of SAAM event preparation and showcase the actions individuals are taking in their everyday lives to promote SAAM. The outpouring of creativity and enthusiasm around social change documented in these submissions has been immense — and the #30DaysofSAAM is just getting started!

The daily prompts of this year’s contest mirror the consent theme of Sexual Assault Awareness Month’s ‘I Ask’ campaign. Many of the prompts focus on uplifting the message that asking for consent is a healthy, normal, and necessary part of interactions. Consent-centric prompts call for participants to create consent memes, webcomics, and share how they ask for consent. Other daily prompts call on participants to show off their craft skills, share messages of support for survivors, or get real about what SAAM means to them.

In the first day, #30DaysofSAAM generated 788 responses alone. It’s easy to see what draws people to the contest (besides the incentive of daily prizes, of course); it provides a glimpse into the unique ways that SAAM is being recognized on campuses and in communities across the country. It’d be hard to scroll through the #30DaysofSAAM hashtag and not feel inspired. In the submissions, there’s a sense of unity and hope about the safer future we are all working to create that’s contagious and, thanks to the efforts of participants, will power the momentum behind SAAM all month long and beyond.

Want to get involved? Here’s how it works:

Every day in April, there is an open-ended prompt that participants respond to through a photo, collage, illustration, digital art, video, or other original content. NSVRC will choose one winner each day to highlight on their Instagram page and send a prize pack to acknowledge their good work. Those who participate every day in April will be entered to win this year’s grand prize. Take a closer look at the rules, criteria, and daily prompts.

Want to get involved? Every day is a new opportunity to get involved and win. All you need is a phone, the daily prompt list, and a spark of creativity. Take some inspiration from week one’s winners and highlights below!

Day 1: How I Gear Up For SAAM

Day 1 Winners

Day 2: Wear Teal — SAAM Day of Action

Day 2 Winner

Day 3: My SAAM Haiku

Day 3 Winner

Day 4: How I Ask for Consent

Day 4 Winner

Follow NSVRC on Instagram for contest updates and view the #30DaysofSAAM contest rules here.



National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2019

NSVRC provides research & tools to advocates working on the frontlines to end sexual harassment, assault, and abuse.