5 Reasons Why You Should Never Molest Little Girls

Norah James
Sexual Tendencies
Published in
8 min readMay 16, 2020


Pro tips for would-be perverts.

In a way, I couldn’t blame him. The weather and all. It was one of those sweltering days in the summer when there’s nothing to do. Too hot to play ball or running games. No beach nearby. Other kids had parents who sent them to camp. So what else was left for this guy to do but diddle the little girl next door?

And my mother? She’d had it with my whining that my sister wouldn’t let me play with her toys, with her friends. That she shut the door in my face when she had the only room with a breeze.

So when this kid, actually, he seemed like a guy to me, but he was only fifteen or so to my five years, knocked on the kitchen door and asked if he could play with me? Take me for a walk or something like that.

My mother couldn’t throw me at him fast enough.

Who could blame her? She probably wanted to put her feet up on the couch, watch a soap opera, and fan herself. We had one of those ACs you put in the window, but it never worked.

And nothing bad ever happened to the kids in our neighborhood. That we ever heard about, anyway.

So this guy, from the crazy family next door. Those people. Don’t get me started. He had a sister my age who always pooped in…



Norah James
Sexual Tendencies

Single mom, double divorcee, running toward life with the scars and medals to show for it. Writing it all down, spelling be damned.