A Compassionate Kind of Love

Molly Frances
Sexual Tendencies
Published in
6 min readJul 21, 2020


Sean’s gentle care of his wife results in a night of marital bliss

Photo by Erika on Adobe Stock

Completely spent, Angie turned on the TV for the kids and sat down on the couch, surrounded by the laundry that shamed her for taking a break. The baby took an and early nap since he’d spent the entire night awake, alternately screaming or nursing. A month ago, Angie would have taken the opportunity to shut her eyes for an hour or so. With her other kids home during summer vacation, Angie’s napping days were over.

When she was 27, having children close in age seemed like a great way to encourage sibling bonding. Now, though, it just felt like slow torture. Fuck.

Angie caught herself and bit her lip. If people could hear the thoughts running through her sleep-deprived brain, they’d think her an unfit mother. What kind of parent wishes their children away (even briefly)?

Angie let her blood-shot eyes drift closed.

“Mama, we’re hungry,” her five-year-old tapped her arm.

Shaking herself from her almost-nap, Angie headed to the kitchen to feed her older two children.

Coffee, more coffee will help.

With a steaming cup in hand, Angie returned to the laundry. The rest of the afternoon passed in a whirlwind of diaper changes, nursing sessions, sprinkler jumps…



Molly Frances
Sexual Tendencies

Molly Frances’s writing explores what it means to be human: relationships, families, sexuality, mental health, and growth.