A Divorcee’s First Time After Five Years

A sexless life finally put to bed

T.J. Johansson
Sexual Tendencies


Photo 138200844 © Vadymvdrobot | Dreamstime.com

It was good to be home, albeit for a long weekend. The relatively slow pace and tranquillity of Stockholm felt like a warm duvet on a Winter’s morning. Memories of my childhood flooded through my mind as I walked along the waterfront. Looking out over the water, I admired the imposing view of Stockholm Palace.

I paused with the sun on my face.

I remembered losing a 1961 Krona coin, the late King Gustav VI Adolf name etched on the back. I was running with it in my hand to show my father who was sitting in a cafe when my right arm caught a passer-by. The small bronze coin shot from my hand in slow motion and rolled into the water.

I frowned, as I remembered. I found it incredible how the same feelings of pain and loss could repeat themselves so many years later. The comforting hand of my father holding my head as I sobbed was still as vivid as the sun warming my face on this Winter’s day.

The entrance to the Grand Hotel never disappointed me.

It’s splendour and beauty justified the price I had paid for a room and reminded me why I had chosen not to stay with family. The Flag Suite with its panoramic views of the city was at its finest on…



T.J. Johansson
Sexual Tendencies

Prize winning author. Men’s sexual health, confidence & mental health.