A Man Bullied Me For Writing About Sex

“Fearlessly, she manipulated weak minds”

Holly Paige
Sexual Tendencies


Photo by olly18 on depositphotos

Great subtitle, right? I’d love to, but I can’t take credit for it. Unfortunately, the subheading of this piece is just a dig at me from a reader who wasn’t fond of the fact that I write openly and honestly about sex in many of my Medium posts.

The comment wasn’t even left on a sexy article. It was a response to my personal essay published by the Fearless She Wrote Editorial Team. It’s about my ex-husband cheating on me, and how I played a part in the destruction of our marriage.

It’s called “I Drove My Husband to Cheat,” and, to my complete surprise, people really responded to it. Not everyone liked what I had to say, which is fine and makes total sense. We’re all different.

Then, a reader comes along. We’ll call him…I don’t know…Mr. Pink. This guy knows what’s what, and he’s kind enough to teach me what a horrible writer I am — just because I write about sex.



Holly Paige
Sexual Tendencies

Curious creature, pursuer of passion, unbeliever in limiting or lengthy bios. Email me at hollypaige.writer@gmail.com.