Bedding The Coffee Shop Girl

Throwing myself into sex with the young lady who made my latte

Beth Singleton
Sexual Tendencies


Photo by inside-studio from Depositphotos

I am many things, but one of them is not a “morning person”.

My husband Jamie wakes up at ungodly hours, works out, gets the girls up for school, makes them breakfast, and is usually ready for work before my alarm clock goes off… and that’s not even factoring in the number of times I hit the snooze button on my phone.

Having worked from home now for the last 14 weeks, things have gotten worse for me — I usually have my first meetings of the day at 9am via Webex, Skype, or Zoom, and I have to drag myself out of bed by 8:25 am to have a shower and make myself somewhat presentable for whomever I’m going to be talking to first.

I usually hit my stride at around 10:30am. I take 15 to 30 minutes off, make some coffee, have some breakfast, and go check on the girls and Jamie.

On Thursday though, for some reason, I woke up at 6am. It may have been Jamie returning home from his run and hopping into our ensuite shower or something, but I woke up and there was no going back to sleep.

I hate waking up early like that. I just laid there staring at the ceiling listening to the shower.



Beth Singleton
Sexual Tendencies

Living life by my own rules to get the most out of every single day and become the person that I’ve always aspired to be.