Do You Want To Be My Sex Buddy?

5 tips on how to land the best job in the world

Norah James
Sexual Tendencies


Tell me again why I don’t live in the Netherlands? Oh, yeah. I don’t speak Dutch.

Because if I did, I’d be putting an ad in the paper. With the government’s approval. If you haven’t coupled up, they’re telling their citizens to get a sex buddy.

Either that or get down with your own sweet self.

Frankly, I’m getting a little tired of that. I’m not one of those lucky ones who followed the Boy Scout dictum: Be Prepared, and hooked up with a live-in honey before the world fell apart.

Now that we’re starting to go out and about, pick up bars are not on my list of go-to venues. Not that they ever were all that much. But, frankly, a good haircut and mani-pedi is looking pretty sexy right about now, and probably necessary if I want any other kind of action. If you get my drift. Said the Medusa-lookalike.

Which brings me back to the Wizard of the Dikes, and no, I’m not trashing LGBTQ, but the suggestion that came from the powers that be in The Netherlands. They learned during the AIDS epidemic that going without sex just doesn’t work. Humans need contact with other humans, and, let’s face it, Zoom calls are awesome, but they don’t always fill your special needs.



Norah James
Sexual Tendencies

Single mom, double divorcee, running toward life with the scars and medals to show for it. Writing it all down, spelling be damned.