Evil Begets Evil

An experiment gone awry

Nancy Fairchild
Sexual Tendencies
5 min readNov 2, 2020


The author, Nancy Fairchild

I’m in a laboratory of sorts, a little experiment in sexual behavior. It didn’t start out that way. In the beginning, it was just ten couples cut off from the world because of the pandemic and riding it out in a small resort on a tiny island in an Indian Ocean archipelago. The flights were grounded in March, three weeks after we arrived and only resumed a month ago, although none of us has left. It costs a fortune to stay here and all the people in my pod are rich enough to pay for the ride.

I came with a lover here originally and he has drifted off. My husband, who I haven’t seen since we departed from one another eight months ago, is paying my way now. He wants to keep me safe until a vaccine is found.

At first, the isolation was fun, and we did what any other group of privileged people do in a situation where what we did would stay here behind us and never be remembered again. We fucked one another every night. Couples switched partners. I was the only single woman, so I willingly became communal property. I often had sex two or three times a night, more often with two or three men at the same time.

I’m not breaking any marital vows; I have my freedom in my marriage whilst my husband is loyal just to me. That is the basic construct of our union. I have had lovers throughout my marriage.

After the newness wore off, I began asking my husband to send me books and DVDs. I started reading and writing most of the day. I singled out the youngest and most innocent of men and separated him from his wife and took him as mine and we now live on the edge of the resort’s grounds in a little villa. He’s Danish and younger than me by a decade, just like my husband, and he’s just as devoted. He takes care of me. He washes and presses my clothes; blow-dries my hair and brings coffee to me in the morning. His love for me is unrequited, but I only have sex with him now.

The sexual dynamics among the others is fluid. The truth is, they may be wealthy, but they are philistines. There is no television to amuse them in the evenings. There is alcohol and sex. They have nothing to talk about with each other, so they fuck the nights away.

There’s a large villa where the others congregate every night. The evening starts out slowly but inevitably devolves into an orgy. Three handsome men rule the roost and take the women they want. Each of the nine women vies for a chance to be one of the chosen. Four men have been effectively neutered and look sullenly on as the women they married are fucked before their very eyes. At the bottom of the rung are Dieter and Walter, one German and the other Dutch, and their dignity has been entirely stripped away.

I don’t know if they were bisexual or just in the closet before they arrived here with their wives but now their roles are to service the other men on command. I suspect they were never inclined to do what they do, but they’ve been skillfully manipulated into becoming what they are. Women are capable of incredible evil.

I know what manipulation is because I’ve gotten all I’ve ever wanted from my husband but, if there was no love between us, all my skills would be for naught. He could have any woman he wants, and he knows that, and he could demand from them the loyalty I never promised him. We may have a very unusual marriage but the love we have for each other is never in question. I do love two other men, though, and he accepts that. I manipulate them too and they know it and like it.

When vast wealth is involved in any marriage, avarice often governs above all and there’s a perfidious taint to what is defined as love. The contempt Dieter and Walter’s wives hold them in is barely concealed, except to them. They encourage their husbands while turning their heads away with a smile. I know what they are doing, and I admire the skill with which they are utterly destroying the self-esteem of their spouses, but I don’t like it at all.

The others are unwittingly in on the game with the encouragement of the women. I’ve seen Dieter being purposely drooled on from above while he is on his knees deepthroating one of the men’s cock. The men who are not among the chosen three take their sexual frustrations out on the two lesser beings each night. It’s a quotidian, much like a morning commute to work. It’s done without thought and with no feeling. It’s just sexual frustration and humiliation.

They are slight men and their wives have cleverly stripped away what remnants of masculinity they once had and slowly feminized them, so they are now acceptable sexual receptacles to the men who have been spurned by their spouses. Dieter and Walter are never the users, they are the ones who are used. They’re fucked regularly during the evenings often with another man’s cock in their mouth. The only look on their faces is one of resignation.

Their legs are shaved as well as their underarms and their wives have carefully applied makeup, purportedly in fun but, in reality, to make them effective substitutes for the women the other men can’t have. They wear simple short smocks in the evening but during the day they dress as the men they once were.

The two sit with each other at lunch and dinner which is served in the common hall each day and only talk among themselves at a table far distant from the one occupied by the three Adonis’s and their adoring women. The other four men sit at another table and engage in faux camaraderie which barely conceals the inadequacy they must feel while they watch the women they love flirt with their betters. They know their wives will be bitterly disappointed if they don’t get a taste of what they want that evening.

It has all the makings of a Greek tragedy and when this all ends there will be no pieces to pick up. The three alphas among the pack will have some good memories and they’ll likely take their pick of the nine women when they depart, regardless of any marital vows they have taken. The rest will go back to their countries and pretend nothing happened, but Dieter and Walter will never be able to forget. Their lives have been changed inextricably. I suspect their spiral of sordidness will continue until there’s no further to go and I shudder when I think about when that happens.

My husband is coming to take me away in a month. I count the days now. I’ll say goodbye to my Danish lover and not give a thought to him again. We’ll get a villa on the main island and live there until this all ends.

My memories will be forever haunted by what happened to two men here in such a short amount of time. I’ve seen incredible people do incredible things in my past and now I’ve seen what truly evil people can do to each other.



Nancy Fairchild
Sexual Tendencies

A married libertine with a very understanding husband. Originally from New York but now in Europe and beyond. nancy.fairchild@hushmail.com