For a Good Time: Call a Woman Over 35

It isn’t just biology that makes women randy

Molly Frances
Sexual Tendencies


Photo by Michael Discenza on Unsplash

Now that I’m rapidly approaching forty, I’ve become incredibly comfortable with my sexuality, and I don’t think I’m alone. Women in my age bracket are having more sex than the average college-aged woman.

Part of embracing my sexuality comes from being with a partner who has always encouraged and celebrated it right alongside me. Still, scientists say that it is also due to basic biology.

Theory 1: It’s all about procreation

For much of human history, most of the offspring a woman produced would die before reaching adulthood. Babies are fragile, and the world could be unforgiving, especially before sanitation and penicillin. For this reason, some scientists say that women are biologically programmed to increase their sexual activity as they get closer to menopause.

It is generally not difficult for a woman to get pregnant at age 22, but at 42, it can be quite hard because of ovarian reserves. Scientists say that’s why women start to crave more sexual contact as they reach their forties. Their biological ability to procreate decreases, which causes them to want more sex.

Theory 2: women need an emotional connection for libido to…



Molly Frances
Sexual Tendencies

Molly Frances’s writing explores what it means to be human: relationships, families, sexuality, mental health, and growth.