Guys vs Girls on Using Sex Toys

Why do guys not use toys as often?

Sabana Grande
Sexual Tendencies
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2021


By BPX-web — Self-photographed This photo was taken with Nikon D5500, CC0, Wikimedia Commons.

Female Scenario:

A girl has just broken up with her boyfriend. He didn’t understand her/ make her feel the way she used to — which is fair enough. Now she’s single and horny, though. She goes to a sex shop and gets a giant shopping cart from outside. Once in, she runs her hands on the shelves. A myriad of multicolored vibrators and dildos fall into her cart. She stares at all the lubes and lotions and whipping cream specifically designed so you can eat it out of your own vagina. She buys one of everything — except for the dildos which she has enough of for a small village. She plans to keep one to put on a shelf at home in case she ever has a Zoom call on live television.

Later on, she tells her friends “Gals, guess who went to the sex shop yesterday.” “Oh. My. God!” they reply. “You is a strong independent woman.” They shower her with love and support. She gets back home and, having gotten enough social approval not to feel guilty, jumps into her pile of dildos.

Male Scenario:

A guy has broken up with a girl because she asked him about his feelings too often or pestered him to define their relationship. By the way, the number one way to break up with a guy is to say, “What am…



Sabana Grande
Sexual Tendencies

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