Hot Pink Orgasms

This stimulating sex toy brings the heat

Holly Paige
Sexual Tendencies


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My libido has been in a crazy low slump for a while now. We’re talking months of basically nothing going on down there.

Recently, I took a belated honeymoon trip with my hubby, and there was a bit of action there in the hot tub (story coming soon). But other than that, my sex drive has been cold.

Having sex only one time in more than two months isn’t our usual. We’ve definitely hit a wall, and lately, I’m feeling more like my hubby is my very chill roommate. A guy I love to talk to and spend time with, but not one I’m into fucking.

This is a real issue — not just for us, but for so many couples out there.

The sexual spark has taken its own vacation — from our marriage. So this past weekend, I made a point to take some time to myself to try out a new sexy toy.

Research says that one of the many benefits of masturbation may include increasing your libido. I’ve found it to be true for myself. So sometimes, when I feel low like this, I just gotta get in there and do the work. And boy, did I do the work.

I had a lovely time with this sleek, strong heating vibrator by Sohimi — and I would HIGHLY recommend it. Here’s why.

The Sohimi Heated Vibrator — All the Pros…



Holly Paige
Sexual Tendencies

Curious creature, pursuer of passion, unbeliever in limiting or lengthy bios. Email me at