How Mindfulness Improves Your Sex Life

how you can be sexually mindful (and why you should)

Emma London
Emma London writes


Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

The modern society is a magnet of stimulus.

Since the moment you wake up, your attention is caught up. During the day, you multitask, you try your best — sometimes overloading your mind — to complete the immensity of chores you have planned; either professional and personal.

Even when you are in a relaxation mode, you often distract your brain: you open one of the many apps on your smartphone, turn on the TV for the background noise or binge-watching a show on Netflix you don’t even pay much attention to.

Our minds are always busy and distracted. We are so used to a fast-paced mental rhythm that when our minds are supposed to be off — like during sex — , they aren’t. We seem to have lost that ability.

Be honest and answer this: during sex, how often you get caught in your mind?

The most common reasons for the mind to disconnect from the body during sex is related to sex - questions like if your partner is judging a part of your body; if they are enjoying your sexual performance; if you’re going to have an orgasm…

That mental distraction is not beneficial — you are not committed to what’s happening to you.



Emma London
Emma London writes

(Forever) Exploring my sexuality - with all its kinks and fetishes.