I Didn’t Know One Can Do This with Breasts

I discovered a new kind of orgasm just by touching my boobs

Luisa Lu
Sexual Tendencies
5 min readAug 22, 2020


by Oliver Gruener

This is an homage to one of the most beautiful parts to the female body: breasts and an appreciation post to the man who showed me completely unknown emotions and the power of taking time for caring for the breast as she deserves.

This is for you as a spouse if you want to satisfy your woman way more and this is for you, my female goddess, so you can use it to have more fun on your own. Enjoy!

I really like my breasts, I think they are beautiful and they enhance my feminine energy. I like to touch them but I don´t like others to touch them, because they mostly do it wrong. At least that was my opinion until I met the “Boobisfaction Man” (don´t judge me, I needed to refer this experience to my friends, we got drunk, that´s his official code name). Many men just go wild with them, there isn´t much sensuality, and I can´t help but think about kneading dough when they touch them. Yeah, I know not really sexy.

Fun fact: Did you know the nerves of the breasts and the clitoris are running together in the same brain area? I found this out while I was doing research after my mind-blowing experience. It´s also an essential part of genital stimulation. That explained a lot to me.

So I went on a pretty normal date with this guy I met at a fitness event, we talked, had the same interests, and he asked me out. The dinner was very nice, but nothing super special happened, we talked, we laughed, but it wasn´t this “Omigosh, he is the man of my dreams”. But there certainly was an attraction so we ended up at my place. I wanted to say this, so you know that it has nothing to do with having a special partner.

I´m a huge fan of doing things slowly, building up the tension more and more and he was exactly doing that. Normally, many guys just rip off the bra. But he looked at my breasts in the bra and he adored them. I think that this is so important because women choose their underwear or their lingerie wisely, we spend a lot of money on them, so it´s great to get that feedback: Yeah your boobs look fantastic in it.

But after he took off the bra, the real surprise session started. He really appreciated my breasts. Like he never saw breasts before (I assure you he has and not few). But it wasn´t just a “Woah” or a “so hot” and on with the show, he looked at them soo long. I am fully in alignment with my breasts but I think for women who struggle with them, this can be huge! Even my self- confidence about them was pushed a lot.

But now we get into the “how to really do it” part — a la Boobisfaction Men, of course

Some guys go crazy until the first second including nipple biting, but most of the time it does not fit the arousal level. As I said we went slow. He was stroking the surroundings of my breast. He was coming from the cleavage, then he went to the side and continued to the under boob, which he did many times, up and down. The tickling sensation in my lower parts only went up. I´m pretty sure someone else has touched these regions before, but I never felt anything comparable. The side boob is my new favorite erogenous zone. I think just the way he did it, so soft (he had amazingly soft hands), so patient, was really what did it. It´s like when you stroke the inside of your arm, only ten times more intense. Let me tell you that I was amazed only after he did this. This would have been enough to get stuck in my memory.

But NO, my body said, we are only on level 4 out of 10!

He was then using his flat hand circling it on my nipple and I was like “Where did he learn this?” But who cares it was awesome. He moved on stimulating my areola, you know the place around the nipple. First with his angelic fingers, then with his lips and later with his tongue. And again he wasn´t licking aggressively, he was just caressing it, just the tiniest bit like it was a Chinese vase. I could barely feel it, but I could, which was enough.

Btw every women´s breasts have a different sensibility. So maybe some women love hard stuff, while for other less is more. I am especially sensible in the second week after my period, don´t ask me why. You just have to find it out what is true for yourself or for your partner.

Now he did an amazing trick. After he licked them, made them moist, he blew air on the area, which created a cold-ish, but intense prickly feeling, my parts down there definitely did correspond.

This combination = Wow!

But only now after a period of time that seemed like several minutes to me, he did something to my nipple. I don´t know what. It was like slow sucking, then pushing it up and down with his tongue, using its teeth only a bid. And as you can imagine he was only THEN doing the bite. That was it, I couldn´t hold it back anymore. That was my breast orgasm. That was the tip of the iceberg. It wasn´t like a normal orgasm, it was something different, but I love this feeling equally. You know when an orgasm is like an explosion which fades away, this is like constantly being at the edge of the cliff, but you only jump down halfway. It´s hard to explain, try it.

Can we just hold on for a second and focus on the fact that he did this just with my breasts? So slow sex got a whole new meaning for me, I´ve lost the notion of time, but let´s say 8 minutes just for the breasts. Hello?

What can I say, I love how he did this. And of course, we met again, he did other amazing stuff. Try using a blindfold, multiplies experiences ten times. Try stimulating breasts and clitoris together, I am sure the neurons in the brain go crazy (I´m studying neuropsychology maybe I should do a…no). Sadly our paths split, but happily, I know how to do it now. I know how to teach other men. But this first experience got stuck in my brain. If you haven´t tried it, really, I couldn´t recommend it more.



Luisa Lu
Sexual Tendencies

What would be this world without the 4 great P´s: Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology, and Peanut Butter?☕