Maintaining Your Sex Life While Battling Anxiety

It’s hard to feel “normal” when you think the world is closing in

Average Don Juan
Sexual Tendencies


Photo by AndrewLozovyi from Depositphotos

I lead an absurdly blessed life.

I’m healthy, financially secure, respected in my industry, and I have an excellent personal and professional network that I can call on for almost anything.

Most importantly, I have an amazing family.

But anxiety can strike anyone.

This year has been nightmarish for almost everyone.

In April, when everything was in deep lockdown, our business hit a few snags. None of them were potentially fatal, but some people were going to be seriously damaged by the fallout.

In my role, I had to dive in and try and untangle the mess to help keep people afloat and ensure they stayed as whole as possible.

When something like that happens, you run on adrenalin.

For me, it’s even more intense — I get into this “war footing” mentally and I dig myself in for battle.

By mid-April, things had sort of moved in my direction and we were able to get things as stable as possible under the circumstances.

The problem with a prolonged adrenalin rush is that when you come down, you usually crash land.



Average Don Juan
Sexual Tendencies

Your average, everyday mid-40’s sexually adventurous guy that’s sharing his stories. You can reach me at: