On Cunnilingus

Francine Scott
Sexual Tendencies
Published in
8 min readMay 25, 2020

Claire’s Story

“Only cunnilingual men speak my language.” -Claire Paterson


Linguistic Proficiency

Only cunnilingual men speak a woman’s language. This is the assertion of my good friend, Claire. The absolute imperative of this directive, for flawless, oral fluency, ought to be the foundation of every man’s lifelong, studious endeavors to please. However well-practiced, a man has virtually nothing to impart and everything to learn so, in the pursuit of honing their craft, men would do well to read on.

Less is More

These days, a man’s performance of this vital service is likely to be in light of his partner’s discovery that her spouse is far from being the only satisfactory provider. In conversation with my friend, Claire, I was delighted if somewhat shocked to discover that, whilst in her boudoir, the provision of cunnilingus is often an extramarital concern. There are, however, still times her spouse may be called upon. Such moments, she went on to explain, may be infrequent and spontaneous but, when summoned, her husband’s heartbeat is audible. The intensity of his feelings, she assured me, when encountering this uncommon prospect, is deeper by far than the mundane ecstasy of everyday indulgence. Sporadic as her invitations to her husband may be, a pattern has begun to emerge. For him, it is not without note that there are one or two distinct moments in the day when his wife is most likely to invite him to pander to her desires.


Hope and Worthlessness

Serving morning coffee in his wife’s study, I am told, is always an auspicious moment for Claire’s hopeful husband. For some reason, this is especially so if his indomitable lady is at her desk, in the middle of a phone call. The accompanying, widening horizon of her rising dress hem, with the quarter-turn of her swivel chair, is all the body language she need employ to convey her desires. It commands an immediate response from her husband to fall to his knees, surrendering to the irrefutable truth that his only permissible ascent to heaven is to be found within the heavenly constraints of his wife’s dress lining. My friend claims that rarely is a husband so aware of his path to transcendence and how much upon it his sense of self-worth depends. As Claire enjoys her coffee-time chat on the phone, from within her skirts, her husband must handle his ascent with delicacy, knowing to allow his hands only the lightest touch of his wife’s nylon stockings. He also knows not to paw and never to grasp, almost to go unnoticed yet unmistakably discernible. The infinite care of his approach allows Claire’s husband to appreciate that there is nothing he could desire beyond the skirted realm of this silken veil. His only awareness of what lies beyond his wife’s underskirt may be of her half of a phone conversation.

The Ethics of Panty Removal

Lost in the ecstasy of the inner world beneath his partner’s dress, Claire assures me, a man can appreciate fully the complete and utter objectification of his very being. Normally the preserve of invited lovers, being summoned to this magical realm is an exceptional opportunity for a spouse to experience the honor of removing his Lady’s panties. A task, normally reserved for others, it is an undertaking to be executed with the greatest care and delicacy.

Eye Contact

As a rule, my friend tells me, when in receipt of cunnilingus, she enjoys eye contact with her selected, pussy-pampering lovers. When it comes to her husband, however, the tedium of his obsequious glances of adoration are not to be tolerated. For this reason, she always makes a point of veiling her spouse’s unsightly gaze by letting the hem of her dress fall to conceal his face. With the nylon stockings of her inner thighs stroking and caressing his ears, the culmination of her husband’s lifetime work may begin in earnest.

Hope and Countenance

There is one other occasion of daily note when Claire is more likely to wish for the diligent lips and dutiful tongue of her husband. Late afternoon/early evening, in the drawing-room can hold great promise for him. As custom would have it, this is often a time for afternoon drinks, before my friend bathes and gets ready for a night out. When serving drinks, her husband is ever hopeful of finding his wife, standing by the fire. This can be a promising sign of her mood for cunnilingual frolics to accompany the quaffing of chilled Cava. At times like these, a husband needs strength, endurance and the consummate ability to pleasure his wife as though his worthless life depended on it. When standing, Claire can be most forthright with her demands, fucking her husband’s face with impunity.


Ever Ready

The sporadic and unpredictable nature of my friend’s whimsical notions for clitoral arousal means that her husband must be ever ready with his preparations. Attention to detail throughout is everything. Whilst he often enjoys the privilege of assisting his wife bathe, exfoliate, moisturize and dress, this is, more often than not, in preparation for assignations with more impressively endowed men.

Leave No Trace

The occasions my friend’s husband is blessed with the honor of pleasuring his wife tend to be spontaneous when she is dressed. This, however, does not negate his need to prepare. When, for example, serving morning coffee in his wife’s study, he makes a point of having cleansing wipes to hand, along with talcum powder and a change of panties. However unlikely their requirement, they allow him to attend to his wife’s post-orgasmic needs. Only when she has been meticulously cleansed and he has assisted putting on her fresh, talcum-lined panties, may her husband then straighten his wife’s dress. And, only then, may he be dismissed to leave his sexually satiated wife in peace to continue with her work, as if her husband had never been to attend to her.


Exercise to be more proactive and hardworking with the provision of cunnilingus is essential. My friend, Claire has now got her husband on a daily regime of observable training to ensure he is in shape and optimally tuned for pleasure. Daily exercise highlights the importance of a powerful, supple jaw that can stretch lips in ways a negligent man never thought possible. Claire assures me that her husband is benefiting immeasurably from this regime, especially when it comes to his wife’s proclivity for vigorous face fucking to accompany pre-bathing aperitifs by the drawing-room fire.



Compared with the penis, what a noble work of beauty a woman’s vulva is, its subtlety and nuance, as rich and complex as the cosmos itself. Many women and, for that matter, more than a few men, may harbor notions of fellatio but such desires surely pale against the prospect of a close encounter with heaven itself, to kiss the source of all creation. In his mind, at least, it is possibly true to say that my friend’s husband knows, in detail, his wife’s vulva, labia, vagina, ‘g’ spot and clitoris almost as well as his wife does. At no time should a man’s teeth ever come into play during cunnilingus. The very thought of it is abhorrent. As for blowing, this is confined to a particular favorite of a man’s hot breath on approach to a woman’s gaping vulva and light blowing of her emergent clitoris.


Under Pressure

Barely discernible kisses and licks around the labia and over the clitoris is how Claire likes proceedings to begin. Judgement of how much tongue pressure to apply next is an art. If in doubt, her husband knows he should leave it to his woman to inform him to get a move on.

Beside Herself

When her husband purses his lips to suck gently on my friend’s engorged clitoris, pulling it into his mouth briefly and letting it go, Claire informs me she gets so beside herself that, for the briefest of moments, the power dynamics of their relationship seems to alter.


Commanding as Claire can be, she has been known to utter the word “please” from time to time. When a woman starts bucking up against her man’s mouth and gasping in ragged breaths, it is wise counsel not to use this opportunity to try something different. Heaven help the man who fails to continue doing exactly what he is doing.


Viola Concerto

Of all the wonderful finger work a man may employ, a particular favorite of Claire’s is the ‘viola’. The giving nature of this style, encompassing, in unison, a woman’s vagina, ‘g’ spot, clitoris and clitoral shaft can stimulate a dramatic response. As an interlude to the ecstatic rapture of her man’s viola concerto, many women have a penchant for a vigorous anus-to-clitoris tongue lashing before the concerto reprise, once more.

Anal Play

Slave to the Rhythm

If he has executed his cunnilingual duties with virtuoso gusto and the first signs of an approaching climax can be sensed, few things please my friend more than the timely and gentle, anal intrusion of her husband’s finger. The crescendo of this cunnilingual symphony is a vital moment for a man to appreciate his entire self worthlessness. However beyond the abyss of discomfort, neck ache, and outright pain a man may feel, he must perform with the ease of a virtuoso. In the event of his partner bouncing off his face like a jackhammer, a man’s only worth is to be found in his ability to take the blows and never lose the rhythm.

Anal Work

Quite apart from Claire’s occasional desire to rest her vulva on her husband’s face and dip her clitoris into his mouth, she is also partial to deep and meaningful ass-kissing. Again, subject to her whims, her husband may be called upon at any time to perform this most intimate act of worship and unconditional adulation. As much as exfoliation and back scrubbing, ass-kissing forms an integral part of my friend’s assisted bathing regime. Enjoyable as she finds discovering just how much of her husband’s face she can consume within her buttocks, it is noteworthy that, when bathing prior to a romantic assignation, she is inclined to be most inquisitive. To satisfy her curiosity and demands for feedback, her husband’s ass-kissing talents need to continue flawlessly whilst giving honest answers to the questions that concern her. Assurances of deeply inspected cleanliness, freshness, and olfactory heavenliness are sought before bathroom ablutions are over.

In the Service of Womankind

On nights like these, before departing for her date with love, in addition to her husband straightening his wife’s stockings and dress, it is not unknown for my friend to have her husband smell her breath for freshness. Likewise and lastly, before departing, she will turn towards the door and have him kneel to draw down her panties and sniff, with deep inhalation, for one last check for freshness, before drawing up her panties once more. With her dress straightened and best foot forward, without turning back, she is finally ready to step out upon an odyssey her husband can only imagine. If fortunate, upon his wife’s homecoming, he might be of some service. In the meantime, it is for this particular husband to cease his drooling, freshen up, change his underwear, and put aside any thoughts of when his next permitted masturbation day is due. It is time to appreciate that he is merely a husband, whose whole existence is to serve womankind with complete subservience. It is time to repeat the mantra that women come first.



Francine Scott
Sexual Tendencies

A trans-woman writer, artist and animator with a weakness for silk lingerie, exquisite dresses and a classic high heel.