Sexual Tendencies Submission Guidelines (Updated: October 2020)

Talking about human sexuality in all of its gritty and real detail

Average Don Juan
Sexual Tendencies
5 min readAug 23, 2019


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

One of the reasons that I came on Medium to write is that I wanted to share my real-life sexual experiences in as much detail as I felt necessary without having to self-edit to avoid offending people.

Sexual Tendencies (SexTend) is a publication where people can publish their stories and feelings about sex so that readers can explore the reality of human sexuality.

What We’re Looking For

1) Honest Writing — We want SexTend to be about the real, human experience of sex, not the fabricated and pop culture version of what people think others want to hear about sex and human relations.

2) Emotion Provoking Content — Your stories and pieces should make the reader engage their brain when they read so that they come away FEELING something. They might have learned something, had their preconceptions about something challenged, been titillated, or maybe they simply come away with a smile. Make the reader feel something.

3) Open Minded Perspectives — SexTend is entirely inclusive to all sexual orientations and relationship paradigms. Our readers will learn more about sex and themselves if we present them with a wide spectrum of ideas.

4) Craftsmanship — Writing about sex in a way that conveys a message, shares information and tells a story is an art form. SexTend is for writers that see their work as a craft that they’re constantly striving to perfect so that they can better connect with their readers.

What We’re Not Looking For

1) Shallow Puff Pieces and Listicles — If you want to write round-up posts about “the best vibrators for left-handed women under 35” or “the top 7 tips for mind-blowing oral sex” then that’s awesome, but SexTend isn’t looking to publish those kinds of pieces.

2) Smut or Degrading Sex Stories — SexTend will absolutely be publishing erotica and people’s real-life sexual experiences, but we won’t be publishing stories that degrade people or are just low-rent filth.

3) Illegal or Violent Acts — We will not publish any story that contains things like rape, violence, incest, paedophilia or anything that is illegal.

General Submission Standards

1) How To Submit Your Work — If you’re a new writer, then send a link to your unpublished draft on Medium to: and your work will get reviewed for publication.

I am the only editor on SexTend and I review submissions whenever I have a chance — badgering me or spamming my inbox isn’t appreciated. I will get to your submission when I have a chance.

If you’re an existing writer, then just submit your pieces for publication by adding it to the Sexual Tendencies publication.

2) Medium Paywall Content Preferred — Our strong preference is for the stories and content you submit be for Medium Members Only (behind the paywall). This ensures you get paid for your work and also your piece has a chance to be curated by Medium.

3) Edited and Revised Content — SexTend does not have the resources to edit your work for you, so please ensure that you’ve edited and revised your own work. Use something like Grammarly to help you if grammar and spelling aren’t your best skills.

4) Copyright Ownership — You MUST own the copyright to everything you publish on SexTend. We take no responsibility for your work, so please ensure you have all necessary rights and clearances.

5) Image Rights and Attribution — On a similar note, you must have the rights to publish any images that you use in your stories and pieces. We also require attribution of images so that the artist gets properly recognized for their work.

6) Content Styling — Medium provides certain text styling options within their editor as well as the ability to add in videos, gifs and images. Use these judicially and as a way of improving the appeal of your content. Overuse of text styling or other elements distract the reader from the writing, so take that into consideration during your editing process.

7) Titles and Sub-Titles — Your story must have a title and a sub-title and you must use the built-in Medium highlight features for these. The title must be in proper Title Case and the sub-title in Sentence Case. Stories will be sent back for editing by the author if this isn’t done correctly. (Added: October 25, 2020)

8) Featured Image — You must have a featured image in any piece you submit to SexTend. Images that are impactful, add color and help set the scene for your story or piece are preferred.

9) Choose Appropriate Tags — Consider the genre of your story or piece and choose your Medium tags accordingly. Having the right tags helps Medium sort and curate your content, so make sure you spend the time to pick the right ones.

10) No Multipart Stories — If your piece is under 5000 words (or even higher potentially) we will only be publishing it as a single story. Our readers have given feedback that they do not enjoy multipart pieces and we will be honoring that. (Added: October 25, 2020)

11) Unpublished Drafts — The preference for SexTend is to publish your unpublished drafts. If you have an existing, recent story or piece that you think fits the publication, feel free to submit it, but the strong preference is for previously unpublished work.

12) No Pitching or Selling — SexTend will not publish pieces that have a Call-To-Action (CTA) prompting readers to buy or sign up for things. The preference is for the content to also be free of affiliate links unless previously discussed.

Thanks for considering publishing your stories and pieces with Sexual Tendencies, the hope is that we can build a community of readers and authors who are sharing and interacting in a positive way.

The goal of SexTend is to be a place where people can find interesting and captivating, sexually explorative works and it would be awesome for you to be part of it.

Thanks Again,



Average Don Juan
Sexual Tendencies

Your average, everyday mid-40’s sexually adventurous guy that’s sharing his stories. You can reach me at: