Steaming Up The Shower

I tease him with my hand until he begs me to fuck him

Elle Beau ❇︎
Sexual Tendencies


Photo by Morgan Harris on Unsplash

“I’m going to go take a shower,” I tell him as I head for the bedroom.

“Do you want some company?” he asks me with a wink, and by way of an answer, I smile and crook my finger, beckoning him to follow me.

This house has our dream shower — a large walk-in affair with multiple jets coming out of the wall as well as one central showerhead above us. Sex in the shower is a lot more fun and a lot more possible than it used to be when we’d both cram into one small stall together with only one measly water source.

I slip out of my clothes and step around the half-wall that keeps the water from spraying everywhere. He follows in behind me and starts to knead my shoulders as I enjoy the feel of the hot water bathing my skin.

“Oh, that feels good,” I tell him as his big, strong hands begin to unkink my neck. He does this because he knows that’s where I carry all of my tension, but he also knows that it gets my engine revving too. I’m starting to unwind at the same time that I feel a heat and a tension building between my legs. After a bit, I turn around and begin kissing him, rubbing his shoulders in return until he pulls me in too close to be able to do that any longer.



Elle Beau ❇︎
Sexual Tendencies

Social scientist dispelling cultural myths with research-driven stories. "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge." ~ Carl Jung