The Anti-stress Power of a Spanking

Sex releases pleasure hormones. And so does pain.

Emma London
Emma London writes


Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

For some people, sex is the last thing they desire when they’re stressed. For me, it’s the first thing that comes into my mind; I found it to be my best stress reliever. But not merely “sex and orgasm”, that won’t do the work if my stress levels are high. Only kink sex will put my mind back to track.

This week has been very stressful for me. I’m moving to a new place, and besides all the headaches that come with it — boxing all the belongings, buying new furniture in a low budget, and fearing about the changes that are going to happen — I’ve also had other events disturbing my peace.

Mr P., my lover, is the same as me regarding sex and, unfortunately, he’s also going through a shitty phase. Yesterday, while I was choosing frying pans in IKEA, he was texting me how frustrated he was feeling. Suddenly, I receive a picture of his hard dick, with the sentence: “time to release stress.”

I had to fight my urge to abandon my shopping trolley and drive to him. Together we could improve our moods! But that wasn’t an option; we both had things to do.

I sexted him back and helped him to have a pleasurable orgasm, with him visualising me going down on him. While I continued to choose frying pans, pots, and a wok.



Emma London
Emma London writes

(Forever) Exploring my sexuality - with all its kinks and fetishes.