The Modern Mile High Club

Flying has changed, but people still want to have sex in the sky

Average Don Juan
Sexual Tendencies


I travel a lot for work… Some years, I’m away from home for as much as four or five months of the year when it’s added all up.

My wife, Mel, hates flying and tries to avoid it at all costs. I have some absolutely crazy stories about the things we’ve done to avoid flying places.

However, once or twice a year, I can generally coax her onto a plane to go somewhere fun.

Most people say, “Oh, she should get drunk” but the problem is, she gets “hyper-alert” when she flies — so she’s “drunk alert”.

Basically her endocrinologist explains it that because of her messed up hormonal system when she gets stressed, she produces copious volumes of adrenalin. The adrenalin makes her alert, but she’s still intoxicated which is worse because she’s not logical.

Anyway, she braves it once a year for a bit of fun.

Last year, something came up at work and I needed to rush to Singapore for a few days of emergency meetings. The problem was, the meetings fell right in the middle of our wedding anniversary.

We had planned a small getaway, but it was unavoidable that I’d have to postpone so that I could take care of this work business.



Average Don Juan
Sexual Tendencies

Your average, everyday mid-40’s sexually adventurous guy that’s sharing his stories. You can reach me at: