The One Night Stand That Shook My World

To say this was a moving experience would be an understatement

Mister Vinnie
Sexual Tendencies
6 min readJul 3, 2021


Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

“Come on, Sophie. It’s an easy 20 minute drive. It’ll be fun, I promise you. I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”

“Yeah right,” she said.

I had been egging Sophie on for months, ever since meeting her in a chatroom and learning she lived nearby, the next town over. It was an easy ride on the turnpike from her town to mine.

I had only seen an old college graduation picture of her from a couple of years before. She was a natural blonde, attractive, like a Swedish starlet. She worked as a nurse and was recently married. I was recently divorced, eight years older than her. I was thin and fit, but living in a shit hole apartment while I got back on my feet. A sliding glass door served as my front door to the street and a small dormer window near the ceiling let little light into the bedroom. There was no way to get out of that window. It was a veritable fire trap, perfect for a recently divorced man in his early 30s.

I remembered the early days of marriage and never hassled Sophie too much. But she flirted with me and everyone else in the chat room. She was feisty and I was never one to back down from a good flirtfest. I had several phone sex partners and a couple more serious prospects. It was a wild time in the early days of the internet.

One day, I was extra flirtatious.

“Okay Sophie. I’ve got a deal for you. I have an unopened bottle of Jack. Come on over and have a drink with me.”

I paused for effect.

“I don’t have a hill, but we can play Jack and Jill and roll in the hay instead.”

The chatroom burst out laughing at my always lame attempts at humor.

“Fine, I’ll be there in 20 minutes,” Sophie said.

The room got quiet but there were a couple of “whoa”s and “wow”s.

Sophie sent me a private message.

“What’s your address?”

“Really?” I said, thinking she had been joking, playing along.

“Yes, really. But just one drink. I’m driving.”

I gave her my address, still convinced that it was all a ruse.

“I’ll see you soon then.”

Just in case, I rushed around, cleaning the cat box, throwing out pizza boxes, washing ashtrays and taking out the trash. I was making the most of divorced bachelor life. I took a quick shower and changed the sheets on my bed.

Thirty minutes later, just as I thought she had stood me up, I was about to log into the chatroom when I heard a knock on my door.

There she was, bundled up in her winter coat, her blonde hair peeking out.

I let her in and we awkwardly shook hands.

“It’s Sophie. What’s it been, 3 or 4 months that I’ve been asking you to visit. Why now?”

“I don’t know. You have a reputation. You’re one of the good guys. You’re funny. I think you’re probably a sweetheart. Mostly, I was in the mood for a drink.”

I felt myself blushing as I found clean glasses and twisted the cap off the Jack Daniels. I poured small shots for each of us. She was radiant in the dim lights, young, not quite twenty-five.

“Or maybe I’m just fucking horny and you caught me on a good night.”

We laughed and clinked glasses and downed the shots.

“I wonder how bad you can be on a good night.”

“Let’s find out.”

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me with a wild tongue. I led her to the bed, spanked her ass once hard and pushed her into the bed. I knelt and pulled off her shoes and unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and shimmied them off. She wore sexy Victoria’s Secret string underwear. Might as well wear nothing.

I got busy with my tongue flat against her pussy and felt her collapse back into the bed. I found her clit and flicked at it and sucked on it while my finger found her ass. She was always talking about anal sex on channel but she pushed my hand away. I found the opening to her vagina and wagged my finger up and done without entering her. She was so wet that it dripped down her thighs.

But what I had in mind wasn’t what she had in mind.

Sophie leaned forward and said, “Get on your back.”

I laid down on my bed, a simple queen mattress and box spring on a Hollywood frame on the worn shag carpet.

Sophie straddled me and guided my cock into her. She leaned forward and bit my shoulder, sucking to leave a mark. She whispered, “hang on.”

Then she started bucking like a bronco. I held my waist up to meet her thrusts. She rammed down hard, slid up and rammed down again, harder each time.

And then I felt it. With each downward thrust, she gasped. Her hands grabbed the sides of my arms and she jammed her fingernails into my flesh. Each thrust moved the bed away from the wall an inch at a time.

It was as if I had completely disappeared, a hunk of meat, a willing cock, an engorged engulfed cock. She was lost in her orgasm, slamming down harder and harder with each thrust. Her hair whipped wildly about her face. I was mesmerized by her supreme lack of self-consciousness and total oblivion to her actions.

“Are you going to cum,” she asked, looking through her hair at me.

“Oh yes, I’m ready.”

“Come on. Give it to me. I want it.”

That was all the encouragement I needed. I raised my hips and bucked into her from below. She continued to ride my cock in rodeo fashion, breaking records. Just then, the bed hit the other wall. She had moved the bed 12 feet across the room with her acrobatic feats.

The frame banged against the wall but now I could gain leverage with my feet and push off the wall. I rose upwards to meet her hard thrust downwards, shooting my cum deep into her in thick ropes like I hadn’t cum in months.

We lay there for a minute, panting. And then we laughed. The bed blocked the bedroom doorway. It literally had scooted 12 feet from one end of the room to the other over clumpy carpet.

“Wow, just wow,”

“Can I have another drink?” she asked.

Sweat dripped from her chin onto my chest.

“Sure, as long as you can drive safely and legally.”

“Yeah I’ll be good.”

We clinked glasses again and threw back a good-sized drink each of Jack.

I saw Sophie in person one more time after that. She and her husband came to visit when I hooked up with my then-girlfriend soon-to-be second wife, who knew Sophie from the chat room.

They visited our sleepy town on the night a snow storm rolled in. We saw some bands at a jazz house. Sophie and her husband were young and in love, though there was trouble in paradise. She needed more and she knew it. I had found a woman who matched my own kinky desires.

At one point, Sophie and I were alone coming out of the restrooms. She had too much to drink but she wasn’t driving this night. She gave me a big hug. She whispered in my ear, “I remember. The earth moved that night.”

I smiled at her.

“That was the bed, Sophie.”

She hit me in the arm.

Later, as we were getting ready for bed, Anna said, “well that was fun. They were very cute. So that was Sophie huh, the one who moved your bed across the floor?”

“Yes. That was her.”

“Now look who’s in your bed. Time to break through that other wall.”

Who was I to say no?

Mister Vinnie is a cismale, sex-positive, pansexual, polyamorish, Dominant leatherman with 28 years experience in the leather community. He edits the sex blog, EDGEPLAY.



Mister Vinnie
Sexual Tendencies

Vinnie is a cismale, sex positive, pansexual, polyamorish, dominant, leatherman with 27 years experience in the leather community. And he writes.