Will I Have to Pay For the Kind of Sex I Want?

Because I’m not sure I’ll find it by pure luck

Louise Sawyer 2.0
Sexual Tendencies


As any single person can probably attest to, there are concrete pros and cons of being single.

The pros? I don’t have to talk to someone when I don’t want to. I get to sleep in the middle of my bed and freely roll around unless I’ve invited some lucky partner to stay over. I don’t have to check with anyone before making a move, and I get to eat all the cookies. No sharing.

The cons? They include, but are not limited to, occasional pangs of loneliness, no plus-one for events, no roses, and no one to share the bills with.

But the biggest con? Funny how it rhymes with the word complex because it is indeed complex. It’s sex — or lack thereof. But not just any sex. I’m talking about the kind of sex I want at my disposal. It’s near impossible to find it without investing in some kind of relationship that’s more than just sex because nobody wants to feel used.

I’ve come close with a couple of sexual partners, but close doesn’t seem to make the full cut.

First of all, I want immediate gratification. When I want it I’d like a partner to be ready and waiting, but I’m not the type of person who can have someone around, in my space full time. I just can’t.



Louise Sawyer 2.0
Sexual Tendencies

Freedom writer of unpopular opinions. “Thelma was just along for the ride.”