The Seven Levels of Sexing

We, the co-authors of The Phenomenology of Sexuality are — or at least aspire to be both careful meta theorists and — Erotic Mystics. We study, teach, and try to live the sacred erotic texts in our lives. The think tank context in which we, Marc and Kristina are working together — the context of the Center for Integral Wisdom and related scholarship and mystery schools is evolving the source code of culture through articulating a series of meta memes across disciplines that form the basis of a New Universe Story. We call this new narrative Sex Erotic. The distinctions that emerge from it are the seven kinds of sexing.

In this forum, we want to at least lay out some of the key principles in the New Universe Story. But in order to do that let’s first turn our attention for a moment to the absence of a compelling narrative of identity and power- which results from the absence of a compelling Universe Story, which underlie our contemporary social, political, spiritual and sexual situation.

Re-Imagine What We Mean When We Say Sex: The Seven Levels of Sexing

Finally, and this is the essence of this forum, we need to re-imagine the nature of sex itself. What would it mean to know that there are seven sexual languages and not one? What would it mean to know that there are seven distinct qualities of the sexual, each with its own taste and texture? Each one feels vastly different in our body. Each excites and pleasures radically different emotional, sensual psychological and even spiritual synapses in our brains, bodies and heart. Each is an utterly distinct experience not to be confused with the other six types. Each has a shadow and light form, a conscious and unconscious manifestation which are very different from each other.

But it is more than just seven tastes or qualities or languages of sexing.

There are actually seven LEVELS of sexing. Each level is beautiful and compelling in and of itself. But each level only takes you as far as it can. You then ascend or deepen to the next level. When you get to the next level you don’t necessarily leave the previous level behind. Rather each level brings a new emergent quality that was not available at the previous level. Each level is of sexing is one level deeper higher, hotter, and more beautiful than the one before.

From Sexual Flatland to Sexually Incorrect:

Now we turn to introducing the Seven Levels of Sexing and their role in devotion to Your Erotic Life.

The New Sexual Narrative and the Seven Levels of Sexing:

  1. Vital Sexing
  2. Personality Sexing
  3. Mother Sexing
  4. Pleasure Sexing
  5. Mystical Sexing
  6. Unique Self Sexing
  7. Bodhisattva Sexing

To live in a sexual world without knowing the Seven Levels of Sexing is like listening to Mozart and hearing a child bang on a saucepan. You need to know the levels to discern the nuance of the music.

Knowing the instruments and the role they play within the orchestra, not only captures and makes alive what you might already know but evokes entirely new possibilities.

To reimagine the nature of sex is to know the Seven Levels of Sexing — the best new map of the sexual, which changes the territory forever. The seven kinds of sexing are a before and after experience. The word sex will never be the same after you get access to this set of distinctions.

Each level of sexing has its own felt quality. Each one addresses a different core human need. Each one is vital to a life well lived. Knowing and living the seven levels of sexing is a complete re-imagination of sexing.

All of this comes together with the reimagining of desire through a new sexual narrative. The reimagining of desire activates your capacity to take responsibility for your own arousal thus fully transforming your relationship to desire. It is only in the re-imagination of desire that the crisis of desire can be erotically redressed.

All of this happens together with reimagining your beloved. When reimagining your beloved is taken together with the Seven Levels of Sexing life will explode the apparent contradictions between long term intimate commitment and desire. This is the royal road towards living the full power of your sacred desire in the deepest context of intimate commitment.

But reimagining sex itself, is the most vital step. It is necessary but insufficient to reimagine your beloved and to reimagine your relationship to desire. But this is but foreplay to a fundamental re-imagining of the qualities of sexing itself. We need to reimagine and remap the sexual at its very core.

The old sexual maps simply do not work anymore. We need a new map that meets the full depth and range of our sexual yearning and desire. We need a users’ guide to the sexual that is equal to our sexual power. Most deeply we need to listen to the whispering of the sexual and feel it’s different textures even as we discern its different levels and different tastes.

We need a new sexual map that describes rather than mandates. But the descriptions must be so potent that they compel our alignment. Eros and Ethics must merge into one. We align with this new set of sexual distinctions not because we are forced by law or the social pressure of superficial convention. Rather we align with the new set of distinctions because their depth is true to the yearnings of our bodies, minds and hearts. And our bodies minds and hearts our aligned with the larger currents of the cosmo erotic universe running through us. We align because to not align is to live a life that is insipid, painful and almost certainly damaging to self and others.

To actually live in a sexual world without knowing the Seven Tastes of Sexing is the difference between eating junk food and eating gourmet cooking. Junk food is good in the moment but it very quickly fails to satisfy, creates addiction, leaves a bad aftertaste, and ultimately kills you. That does not mean we should never have junk food. But it does mean that your steady diet should be great, even gourmet food. And gourmet sex, which is hot, wild, poignant and potent is both the birth right and a crucial necessity for every human life. You need to actually know the seven tastes of sexing in order to taste each quality of sexing. Moreover, as we will see below, knowing the instruments not only captures and makes alive what you might already be doing but evokes entirely new possibilities.

Know the instruments –each of the seven levels of sexing-then live them uniquely in your erotic life. And then love your life open with your own unique self- jazz symphony of Eros.

This is the momentous leap beyond the failed sexual revolution of the sixties — the set of distinctions necessary to evolve the source code of culture and consciousness — to participate in the evolution of love.

This is what we truly need to usher in an age where peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars.

And then love your life open with your own unique symphony of Eros.



Dr.Marc Gafni,Dr.Kristina Kincaid& Gabrielle Anwar
The New Phenomenology of Eros

The New Phenomenology of Eros Dr. Marc Gafni, Dr. Kristina Kincaid and Gabrielle Anwar