Working Together

The Office for the Future is an Activist Think Tank dedicated to partnering with leading thought leaders and change agents to transform and evolve the source code of culture through the application of “The Universe: A Love Story” principles.

There are five inter-animating divisions of the Office:
◾️The Center for Integral Wisdom [Founded by Marc Gafni, Ken Wilber, Mariana Caplan, Sally Kempton and other leading figures]
◾The Foundation for Conscious Evolution [Founded by Barbara Marx Hubbard with a major Grant from Laurence Rockefeller]
◾The Club or Homo Amor
◾The Outrageous Love Project
◾The Eros Project

Our mission is to love outrageously, live outrageously, and by doing so create an extraordinary world.

Together we articulate, evolve and deliver a new, Integral narrative for living — which transforms each individual, culture and life itself — creating a world of Outrageous Love, through Outrageous Love.

The purpose of the Office for the Future is to articulate the memory of the future, the strange attractor which will draw us forward into the best world we can become.

The Da Vinci Move:
As we stand poised between dystopia and utopia at this pivoting point in the history of civilization, articulating a new Universe Story, out of which emerges a new narrative of identity, a new narrative of community, a new sexual narrative and a new narrative of power, is our greatest moral obligation even as it is our greatest evolutionary joy, even as it is the most potent response to present and future suffering.

This is what we call the Da Vinci move. Black death had ravaged Europe. Death and rampant suffering were at Europe’s doorstep. Da Vinci could not bring direct succor to every village. But he could do something that would ultimately raise all boats, eradicate most of the diseases, and usher in universal human rights, democracy and a great flowering of science and technology. He could tell a new story. This was the new story of modernity, birthed in part in Da Vinci’s Florence in the heart of The Renaissance. We are confronted with a similar pivoting point but of exponentially greater magnitude. We are right before a phase shift in human history. The greatest response at this moment in time is to tell the new story, a new Universe Story, a new narrative of identity, community, power, sexuality and all the rest.

At the Office for the Future we are engaged in writing and deploying the great library which tells humanity’s new story through a synergistic integration of the best wisdom of pre-modern, modern and postmodern times, woven together into a new whole, a new narrative greater than the sum of all of the parts.

At a time when we are more interconnected and interdependent than ever, we lack a shared narrative of meaning and purpose. Evolving a shared narrative of meaning and purpose that will animate and inspire both our individual and collective lives is our mission. Particularly we are committed to articulating and sharing a “new meaning story” for our civilization whose vision and values have the power to liberate us from the global action paralysis which defines so much of our politics and culture.

At the Office for the Future, we are committed to evolving and articulating a number of core structures of consciousness, which have the power to guide, inform and transform key dimensions of both our public and private lives in both their interior and exterior dimensions. They are:

1. Homo Amor, Cosmo Erotic Humanism and the Universe: A Love Story

2. Unique Self Theory: Unique Self theory addresses the essential question of identity from which all self flows: Who are you? You are an irreducibly unique expression of the love-intelligence of all-that-is, with a unique perspective, which fosters your unique insight, which births your unique gift which empowers you to joyfully address the unique needs in your unique circle of intimacy and influence that can be addressed by you and you alone. Unique Self theory affirms the irreducible dignity, creativity, and obligation of every Unique Self.

3. The Principle of Evolutionary Love [or what we sometimes call Outrageous Love], and the Evolution of Love: This is the core principle that there is a inter-animating force driving and animating all of reality. That animating force is a love-intelligence. Love-intelligence itself, in its expression in our world, is constantly evolving. We participate in the evolution of love.

These three taken together re-narrate and reform our most essential understanding of what it means to be a human being and a global citizen at this moment in time. They form the constituent features of Reality’s innermost fabric.

Drawing forth and articulating these understandings as they are emergent from both the interior and exterior science and downloading them into culture is an essential mission of the Office for the Future.

We are guided by the deep knowing that the only response to outrageous pain is Outrageous Love. Outrageous Love expresses itself as outrageous activism, joy and responsibility in both our personal and collective lives.

Our vehicle is our Activist Think Tank. At this time we are working on a series of landmark projects in the areas of Integral Global Wisdom and Conscious Evolution. Emergent from these important conversations, we, at the Office for the Future are enacting a great meta-theory and new narrative for our times, what we have taken to calling Cosmo Erotic Humanism.

This include key new thinking expressed in books, movies, online courses, summits and public teaching events. The themes we are engaging include Evolutionary Love, World Spirituality, Evolutionary Spirituality, Eros, Gender & Relationships, Addiction & Recovery, Identity, Conscious Capitalism & Entrepreneurship, Unique Self Medicine, and Education.

We believe that these projects will provide important frameworks for implementing integral strategies on imperative social issues — and will powerfully impact public culture in a significant way. When taken together, these will unfold — for the first time in the contemporary era — a genuine shared narrative of spirit and a genuine framework for a world philosophy (or a global spirituality) based on Integral principles.

We live in inescapable frameworks. This is true for the individual as well as for culture at large. Our frameworks of meaning and value, whether conscious or unconscious, directly shape virtually every decision we make. The global challenges we face require the evolution of a new consciousness; therefore, the articulation of a shared global framework of meaning and responsibility is an urgent need of our time.

Such a framework honors the singularity of every great wisdom tradition, traditional, modern, and postmodern, even as it identifies the underlying depth structures and unique contributions of each. When taken together, these begin to articulate an authentic integral “users guide to the universe.”

Evolving the source code of human existence is the urgent need and great planetary adventure of our time.

Evolving an authentic life rooted in commitment and freedom articulated and lived in the principles and practices of World Spirituality is the next step in Spirit’s unfolding. The teachings of Integral Theory, including the AQAL Framework pioneered by Ken Wilber, provide a key intellectual touchstone for our paradigm. It is a fundamental Integral impulse to include and inhabit more of our fullest and deepest humanity.

Broadly speaking, an integral approach is an approach to life which seeks a full-hearted embrace of existence and unconditional surrender to the passionate reality behind the reconciliation of all polarities, however we conceive that reality. It embraces vocations of playful creativity, enlightened authenticity, deep inner healing, and engaged service to others and the planet. In Marc Gafni’s words, “Integral theory is the best framework available in the world today for integrating different forms of knowing and experience. Integral theory is a magnificent pointing out instruction in first, second and third person which illuminates the contours of the Cosmos. Integral meta-theory is a framework which takes into account all forms knowledge, pre-modern, modern and postmodern and shows the way to their enactment in a higher Integral embrace of love”. But Integral theory is the first step. The second step is the meta theory which we are calling Cosmo Erotic Humanism which unfolds the new Universe Story, and their derivative narratives of identity, we space, power, politics, economics and sexuality — out of which emerge new visions of medicine, education, metrics, relationships and just about everything else.

We endeavor to engage in the liberation of all sentient beings into the most richly enlivened and radically illumined possibilities for being in the world.

The World Spirituality Project

For some people, the classical religions have lost their power. They seek a path of practice and commitment that transcends the traditions. For others, their intuitive desire is to transcend and include the traditions. They seek to live as dual citizens, rooted in their tradition, even as they locate themselves as citizens in the broader community of World Spirituality. Still others are secular humanists with an intuitive sense that their optimism, vitality, love, and ethics are of sacred significance.

A World Spirituality based on the shared truths demonstrated by reason and the eye of spirit in contemplation of all the great systems of knowing is urgently needed right now. The world today needs the best values represented by these wisdom traditions, among them: living in harmony with nature, enchantment, empowerment, ethical obligation, the spirit of innovation and democratic participation, authentic self-realization, flexible and global thinking, intimate community, and enlightened creativity. Alongside these values are such eternally important virtues such as love, kindness, peace, wisdom, and justice.

World Spirituality Essentials:

Your Unique Self is radically singular, gorgeous, and special in the world. But it is even more than that. Your Unique Self is a puzzle piece that is utterly necessary to complete a much larger puzzle. The Unique contours of your puzzle piece are what allow you to connect with and offer your gift to all-that-is. Giving your puzzle piece unto the world adds an irreducible dimension to the completeness of the cosmos. Paradoxically, uniqueness is the currency of connection. It is the portal to the larger evolutionary context that needs your service.

Unique Self Institute

Another cornerstone of our organization is the Unique Self Teaching by Dr. Marc Gafni. The core Western understanding of individuality and its affirmation of the dignity of the separate self is contrasted with the Eastern teaching of dissolution of the small self, before both are integrated into a higher Integral embrace through a new understanding of Unique Self. The teachings of Unique Self fundamentally change the classical enlightenment paradigm through the assertion that enlightenment has a unique perspective, which might be termed the “personal face of essence.” Perspective taking, which emerges from enlightened consciousness, is rooted in the ontological pluralism that lies at the core of the Hebrew textual tradition. The new enlightenment teaching of Unique Self therefore rests on a series of Integral discernments between separateness and uniqueness, ego and Unique Self, and personal and impersonal man. The Unique Self teaching suggests a new understanding of enlightenment through intersubjective love; the Unique Self- perception is then set within an evolutionary context of being and becoming, in which it is seen to express one’s response to the personal address of the evolutionary God impulse itself.

The Unique Self principles and the core Integral principles form the basis for a series of our key initiatives in the areas of education, conscious society, medicine, recovery, spirituality, Eros, psychology, and entrepreneurship.

Unique Self Medicine

There is a dire need for the integration of the art, science, and morality of medicine. Co-authors and physicians Venu and Vinay Julapalli have written a white paper that explores the deep implications of the Unique Self teaching for an integrated approach to medicine. In it they call on their extensive understanding of the promises and pitfalls of modern health care to reconceive the practice of medicine. The paper provides the framework to evolve medicine through the emergent Unique Self insight. At stake is no less than the future of how we care for ourselves and each other.

From the abstract of their White Paper Unique Self and the Future of Medicine

Medicine is at a critical crossroads in its evolution from antiquity to our modern age. This article aims to re-conceive the future of medicine. Key to this conception is an understanding of the evolution of individual development. To this end, the discussion will first outline the stations of the selves, on the path to what has been termed the Unique Self, by spiritual thinker Marc Gafni. Next, the discussion will distinguish between two poles of development and outlook, in order to understand how the insight of Unique Self integrates these dualities. It will then view the Unique Self from three perspectives, or four quadrants, of reality and also illustrate how Unique Self appreciates the balance between part and whole. The discussion will subsequently correlate the stations of the selves with the history of medicine and further examine dualities in medicine that parallel those of the self. It will then elucidate how an understanding of Unique Self fundamentally shifts our envisioning of the practice of medicine. This shift renews the unique calling that is the art and science of healing.

Unique Self Recovery

Lori Galperin, Co-Founder and Director of the Unique Self Recovery Project, writes:

Unique Self is about evolving your identity to be in greatest alignment with the essence of who you truly are. It is about understanding your significance. It is about recognizing the gifts you alone possess in precisely the way that you do, and finding a way to share them that brings deep fulfillment.

Every person has a particular set of capacities and qualities, a unique set of gifts to share with the world. So, never to achieve realization of one’s self deprives not simply the individual, but all. In anyone’s life, there are experiences that aid the unfolding of one’s unique self and likewise, experiences that shift the trajectory in ways that constrain its emergence.

Unique Self Recovery provides a way back. Finding the way back often rests upon discovering where, when, how and why one went off track. It requires looking anew, with compassion, at the previously painful, and at the time, perhaps unassimilable, that created a departure from the course of one’s truest, fullest self-unfolding. It involves looking at events that closed the heart and erected obstacles to intimacy: with self, others and the larger creative context. It is about re-opening.

Unique Self Emergence Process

The Unique Self Emergence Process is an elegant and practical structure — created by Barbara Alexander and Claire Molinard in collaboration with Dr. Marc Gafni — designed to facilitate significant leaps forward in a person’s emergence into all they are created to be.

Unique Self Emergence is a comprehensive, dynamic, and modular framework for radical spiritual and psychological transformation. The flagship 9-month certification program trains change agents to utilize the process with individuals and groups in a variety of contexts.

Integral Evolutionary Tantra


“The invitation and the challenge of the spirit in our generation is to create a politics of Eros and love. That can only begin to happen when each person in the polis takes responsibility for the erotic quality of his or her life. We need to, and we can, realign ourselves with the vital currents of loving energy that course throughout our universe. We can decide to realize our place in the flow of sacred Eros, and from that place we can transform, first our lives and, ultimately, our planet.

As you probably know, most people assume that Eros is merely a synonym for sex. It is not, the fact that we so often confuse Eros with sex merely reminds us of how distant we are from true erotic engagement.

Erotic fulfillment is reached when you expand the realm of Eros beyond the sexual to embrace all of your existence. Indeed, the root of the Sanskrit word tantra-tan- means “expansion”. True tantric energy expands into all realms of life. This expansion is the goal of Kabbalistic tantra.

The Sexual models the erotic. That is to say, within the sexual itself are the most important hints of Eros. From the nature of the sexual we learn what it means to live erotically. Sex models the erotic but it does not exhaust the erotic. Sex can never by itself fill our sexual needs; but it can never fill our erotic needs. When sex tries to do what is beyond its power to accomplish, sexuality implodes on itself. We begin to find ful-fil-ment only in boundary breaking sexuality, which becomes the only way we can experience Eros.

At this key time in history we are called to evolve and embody Love, Sex and Eros. The sexual is the ultimate spiritual master. Deep understanding of the sexual is the ultimate guide to accessing the spirit in every dimension of our reality, Kabbalistic texts say. As one sacred text says, that if the entire Torah would not have been given, we would learn all of the Torah from the Song of Songs. The Songs of Songs is an explicit love poem, that holds all wisdom in every area of life. We learn from the teachings hidden in the folds of the sexual or as the great Zen Master Ikkyu says;

“Rinsai’s disciple never got the message, but I, the blind donkey, know the truth; love play can make you immortal. The autumn breeze of a single night of love is, better than 100,000 years of sterile sitting meditation.”

To be a great Lover, an Outrageous Lover in all facets of your being we must listen deeply to the simple yet elegant spirit whisperings of the sexual. It is time to reclaim the sexual as the master who can teach us how to access the erotic in all of life.

We need to be willing to stand with each other in sexuality. We need to learn what that means with all of its complexity, with all of its shadows. With all the pain, all the pleasure and with all the wounds its causes. Through all of that, we can find our way to an enlightened sexuality.

Together we can unfold a grand new map to create the future of eros and if you dare the realization of your own enlightenment. How are we going to do it? We are going to love our way to enlightenment! Step up to play a larger game- that of the Outrageous Lover, which is no less the evolution of love itself!


Discover the secret relationship between Erotic, the Sexual and the Sacred.

None of the four old philosophies about sex are sufficient to inspire us or even hold us in our sexuality. Sex is not merely negative or positive. Sex is not just neutral, nor is it merely sacred because it creates babies.

Erotic Mystics from the hidden tradition of Solomon’s temple taught a secret doctrine. Sex is the source of all wisdom. Sex is an expression of the erotic impulse of existence itself alive in us-the yearning for contact, pleasure, and aliveness. The Sexual however is not the sum total of the erotic. Rather, the sexual models the Erotic. The sexual teaches us how to live an Erotic life in all dimension of our existence.

It is these secret doctrines that were later taught by Mary Magdalene and that sparked excitement around bestselling novels such as The Da Vinci Code.

Deep understanding of the sexual becomes the portal to accessing aliveness in every dimension of our reality. This realization demands that you live sexually without shame and shows you how to re-eroticize all areas of your life.

A Return to Eros: On Sex, Love, and Eroticism in Every Dimension of Life, from Drs. Marc Gafni and Kristina Kincaid, reveals the radical secret tenets of relationship between the sexual, the erotic, and the holy. They reveal what Eros actually means and share the ten core qualities of the Erotic, which are modeled by the sexual. These include being on the inside, fullness of presence, yearning, allurement, fantasy, surrender, creativity, pleasure, and more.

A Return to Eros shows why these qualities of the erotic modeled by the sexual are actually the same core qualities of the sacred. The relationship between the sexual and the erotic becomes clear, teaching you how to live an erotically suffused existence charged with purpose, potency and power.

To be an Outrageous Lover–not just in sex but also in all facets of your life–you must listen deeply to the simple yet elegant whisperings of the sexual. This book will forever transform your understanding and experience of love, sex, and Eros.

Here’s what a few people had to say about A Return To Eros

“Marc and Kristina are going where few dare to to go and showing us what it means to live a fully erotic life!”
— Dr. John Gray, author of Beyond Venus and Mars

“A Return to Eros is a tour de force of the kind that comes along once in a generation. The way this volume brings Eros to consciousness as the fundamental force direction and ‘purpose’ of reality on all levels and all quadrants, really is the discovery that now underlies, directs, and “explains” the sacred purpose of cosmogenesis, the birth narrative of the New Human.

It’s the second coming of humanity for the first time in history incarnate as a fully embodied sacred sexual being.

It’s the early stages of next evolutionary unfolding.

A Return to Eros forms the basis of evolutionary spirituality. It captures the glory of its conscious experience from the inside out in the sexuality and Eros of the evolutionary unique self.

It’s the experiential basis of the next stage of living and loving.

It’s the deepest reason for profound sexual yearning. It’s vital and is truly the only path beyond shame. It must not be denied.

It reveals the very nature of ‘God-in-evolution’.

It is the answer to my life question: What is the meaning of our new power that is good?
The answer is the manifestation of Evolutionary Creator Love inhuman form to its next level of the supra mental genius as consciously guided self and social evolution.

It’s the source energy, which can arouse the Planetary Awakening through Unique Self Symphony.

It is the juicy and delicious fruit of the joining of genius. Sexuality and supra-sexuality become one.

God ‘Took the Risk’ in revealing E = MC2, the genetic code — the language of science — to give humans the powers of our ancient gods to use.

What the authors call ‘Love or Die’ is the new commandment of the ontic human.

It is conscious evolution revealed as erotic evolution made awareof us in our loving.
It is the fundamental sacralization of sex at all levels.

The authors make the radical claim, which I believe is true, that when this force is not recognized, when it is denied, the result is abuse, whether in the form of rape culture or in the false complaints that attempt the rape of a name. It is only, the authors tell us, ‘when we embrace the full beauty of our embodied Eros, not merely in the sexual but in every dimension of our lives.’

Marc Gafni, the first author of this book, is an Erotic Radical. He incarnates the evolutionary Eros and articulates it’s teaching in way that several steps ahead of the generation. As such he has, as radicals often do, born the cross of a new vision, seen his actions falsified and distorted, ordinary mistakes pathologized. But as I have witnessed myself in a thousand conversations, he has kept his heart open in love, and turned his suffering into a gift and his pain into art. I am proud to stand with me beloved evolutionary partner Marc in offering vitally needed gift at this moment in our evolution.”

Marc’s co-author on this volume, Kristina Kincaid, herself incarnates evolutionary Eros through her work with the body. Mentored by the leading-edge somatic teachers of our time, she understands the inseparable connection between one’s sexuality, one’s emotionality and how that relationship is mirrored through our relationship to life. She brings a deep embodied understanding of the flow of Eros, love, and sexuality through the body and how it can radically transform our lives and birth the new human. A human being that is unarmored in the body, connected through the heart and to all of life.”
— Barbara Marx Hubbard, Author of Conscious Evolution

“Marc and Kristina are going where few dare to to go and showing us what it means to live a fully erotic life!”
— Dr. John Gray, author of Beyond Venus and Mars

Outrageous Love Project

Dr. Kristina Kincaid is the Co- Director with Dr. Gafni of the Outrageous Love Project that inspires and invites people through a series of interactive websites, books, and other products to commit outrageous acts of love and write outrageous love letters.

The practice of writing outrageous love letters goes back to Solomon and was also practiced by Rumi and Hafiz. Dr. Marc Gafni has made this ancient practice come alive again and it is widely practiced in his circle of students. It is a powerful practice to strengthen our love muscles.

Here is an excerpt from the forthcoming book on Outrageous Love by Marc Gafni and Kristina Kincaid:

There are two questions that you must answer to make your life a triumph. The first is, Who Are You? The second is, are you willing to play a larger game?

We live in a world of outrageous pain. The only response to outrageous pain is outrageous love. We live in a world of outrageous beauty. The only response to outrageous beauty is outrageous love.

What is the path of the outrageous love?

It is to live as an outrageous lover. What does an outrageous lover do? She keeps every boundary that should be kept and breaks every boundary that should be broken.

But what does an outrageous lover actually do?

The outrageous lover commits outrageous acts of love.

But which outrageous acts of love should you commit?

There is so much that you might do, and so much that needs to be done. The answer is simple.

You commit the outrageous acts of love that are yours, and yours alone, to commit. You commit the outrageous acts of love that are an expression of Your Unique Self.

CIW Initiative: Conscious Entrepreneurship

The world of business is becoming one of the great cathedrals of spirit. Businesses are becoming places in which meaning can be created, in which mutuality begins to happen, in which intimacy and trust become core values, in which the expression of one’s unique self as part of a larger context becomes a reality.

Capitalism is the force that has lifted humanity out of poverty through voluntary exchange. Communism tried to life people out of poverty through coercion, but wound up killing 17 million collective farmers in the Ukraine and countless millions elsewhere. Business has lifted more people out of poverty than any other force in history. That is so shocking and so powerful that it makes you sit up in your chair and say “Oh my God! Could it be that evil corporations are actually responsible for lifting more people out of poverty than any other single force in the history of consciousness and the history of the planet?”

What does it mean to lift people out of poverty? It means babies not dying, it means mouths being fed, it means girls going to school and getting educated, it means a response to slavery that never existed in the world before. It means that all the values of the great traditions get enacted on two levels: by ending the physical oppression of poverty and by opening a gateway for human being to be able to experience genuine growth with spiritual, emotional and personal evolution.

We need to bow deeply to business, which initially did all this unconsciously. Lifting people out of poverty was never the conscious intention of business; it was the by-product of a business well enacted. Now business is awakening to itself and becoming conscious. It is recognizing that it is a force with enormous power and responsibility. By becoming conscious, it can do what it does even better, creating a tide that lifts all boats. It can create more community, more mutuality, and paradoxically, more profit, by engaging everyone in the system. That is exciting!

We must awake to the reality that business has the ability to change the self-perception and the self-narrative story for most of the human beings on the planet. We thought that was the role of psychology, but it’s not. Psychology can only deal with the broken pieces of people living in a society which pathologizes their core activity, which is business. We must change the essential narrative of business to make it an accurate reflection of the transformative impact of business, its true identity as the great healer. This is not a kind of Shangri-La vision; it is an accurate narrative of conscious business which should become internalized by the majority of citizens of the planet who are engaging in business. It is a huge and dramatic paradigm shift that actually shifts the very source code of our self-understanding.

Success 3.0 Summit

The Success 3.0 Summit, this amazing gathering initiated by Dr. Gafni and John Mackey together with Kate Maloney from October 30th to November 2nd, 2014 in Boulder, Colorado of the world’s leading thinkers, entrepreneurs, and change-agents that was initiated by the Center for Integral Wisdom was a wild success.

Among the speakers were thought leaders like Tony Hsieh (CEO, Zappos Inc), Arianna Huffington (Editor in Chief, Huffington Post), Alanis Morissette (Singer/Songwriter & Activist), Blake Mycoskie (Founder, TOMS Shoes), Barbara Marx Hubbard (Author, Social Innovator, Evolutionary Thought Leader), Casey Sheahan (former CEO, Patagonia), Lynne Twist (Global Activist & Author), Adam Bellow (Vice President, Harper Collins), Ibrahim Husseni, Business leader, Ben Jealous (former President & CEO of the NAACP), DJ Spooky (Composer, Musician & National Geographic Emerging Explorer), Tom Chi (Innovator & Founder, Google Glass), Jack Canfield (Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul), and many others.

Emergent from it is the now independent RiseUp movement and movie.

A Partnership with the Foundation for Conscious Evolution

One of the many fruits of the Joining of Genius between CIW President Marc Gafni and Founder of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution Barbara Marx Hubbard as well as their respective organizations that remain independent yet interconnected has been Evolutionary Church.

The Mission of Evolutionary Church is to activate a planetary awakening in love through a Unique-Self Symphony. Evolutionary Church is where we gather to articulate, discover and experience the living memetic codes within our very being that are guiding us towards a positive future and evolving public culture.

Together We

  • Recover hope through our memory of the future
  • Reveal the direction of our personal and collective evolution
  • Fulfill our vocations of destiny
  • Awaken as our irreducibly unique selves and claim the beauty and obligation of our notes in the unique self symphony

Evolutionary Church is a weekly, interactive, live-streamed gathering during which Barbara Marx Hubbard and Marc Gafni usher us into a resonant field of allurement and love that serves as a potent catalyst in revealing the direction of our personal and collective evolution.

Each week Barbara and Marc introduce an evolutionary theme and articulate a message based that theme.

Then YOU are invited to speak your voice, as part of the Unique Self-Symphony, into what Teillard De Chardin called the Noosphere… the evolving consciousness of reality — enabling it to get it’s collective eyes.

Other projects of this collaboration are:

  • Several Major Book Projects
  • A Series of Podcasts — Published and Forthcoming
  • A Collaboration in order to initiate worldwide Offices for the Future that hold the memory of the future
  • The Wheel of Co-Creation 2.0
  • The Planetary Awakening Accelerator: A year-long program offered by Marc Gafni, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and Lisa Engles

CIW Partnership: The Emergence Project

The Emergence Project is bringing the world’s leading thinkers together to collectively develop a blueprint for the future of humanity, commensurate to our real potential.

Solving problems without changing the basis for why they are occurring doesn’t create lasting success. Our major pressing global issues are primarily the result of human action…which is not the result of human nature directly, but human nature expressed through conditioning, which is changeable. There are technological, economic, and memetic structures in place that collectively create the current basis for conditioning…that all need to be addressed to bring about a lasting systemic shift. The magnitude, complexity, and urgency of our global challenges require deeper shifts in our collective direction than are even being endeavored towards by the current major change efforts.

By changing the conditioning factors of human behavior from ones that predispose harm to ones that predispose omni-considerate benefit, we simultaneously obsolete the basis of our major issues while accelerating evolution towards the realization of our potential.

CIW Partnership: The Initiative for a White House Council on Boys and Men

We would like to introduce you to what we think is an important step forward in the evolution of human awareness and compassion. It’s a group that has proposed a White House Council on Boys and Men to President Obama. Headed by Warren Farrell the group has written a proposal that outlines the many reasons why this Council is needed.

Dr. Warren Farrell, the Vice President of CIW for Gender Issues, is the author of books published in 17 languages, including international best-sellers The Myth of Male Power and Why Men Are the Way they Are. Farrell, Ken Wilber and Marc Gafni have done numerous interviews together. Farrell, Gafni and John Gray are co-authoring Beyond Mars and Venus. Dr. Farrell’s popular and profound talk Why Love is Such a Mess, delivered at the Integral Spiritual Experience 2, shows how the real transition to gender liberation is the transition from Stage I survival to Stage II discovery of fulfillment — fulfillment that neither sex had in the past.

The Mystery School of Love in Holland

At the Center for Integral Wisdom, our mission is to evolve the source code of culture by evolving the memes and distinctions that are at its core based on “The Universe: A Love Story” principles. Together we articulate, evolve and deliver a new, Integral narrative or “Dharma” for living — which transforms each individual, culture and life itself — creating a world of Outrageous Love, through Outrageous Love.

While our goal is to penetrate both mainstream culture and the world of the academy through a set of books, courses, and media, the core process of evolving the source code happens most clearly in our Mystery Schools.

As our Academic Director Dr. Zachary Stein has stated so beautifully in a previous blog-post:

“Across the centuries, mystics have convened mystery schools on the edges of civilizations and world views. Intentionally small and remote, peopled with trusted initiates, these schools have been the storehouses of innovations in consciousness, sourced in ancient traditions, guided by a memory of the future. Off stage and out of sight, a few have always been preparing seeds for planting in the compost of the rapidly degenerating culture of the so-called civilized.”

Mystery School is where we come together as evolutionary mystics, the Wheel of the Dharma turns, new dharma is coming down, SHE dances, and we can literally feel the source code shift.

Initiated in 2012 by Chahat Corten together with Marc Gafni, she still holds it in her big heart and her Evolutionary Satsangs every morning of Mystery School. In 2017, Mystery School has taken its next step. Directed by Claire Molinard together with a team of holy and audacious rock stars, Mystery School has become independent of the place where it started. Dr. Marc Gafni is the main Teacher-in-Residence who opens the dharma gates every morning. He is joined by a group of international embodiment specialists who make sure that the dharma gets anchored in every cell of the body.

CIW Leadership

Originally founded by Dr. Marc Gafni (who serves as the Director, Scholar, and Teacher in Residence at CIW), Ken Wilber, Sally Kempton, and Mariana Caplan — a group that was later completed by Lori Galperin (CIW Founders), and later joined by Dr. Zachary Stien as co- president, Kristina Kincaid as creative director and Kerstin Zohar as Executive Director, and Claire Molinard and Chahat Corten as our festival directors. We are now led by an active leadership team consisting of some of the most respected scholars, wisdom teachers, leaders, entrepreneurs, authors, and activists in the world today. Our work in the world is focused in various areas: leading-edge scholarship, book, white paper and activist projects, live events, and online courses, which set the stage for our vision into increasingly penetrating the world’s consciousness, culture, and institutions. We hope you will join us in answering the call to this urgent mission and that you will support the Office for the Future united in our common purpose.



Dr.Marc Gafni,Dr.Kristina Kincaid& Gabrielle Anwar
The New Phenomenology of Eros

The New Phenomenology of Eros Dr. Marc Gafni, Dr. Kristina Kincaid and Gabrielle Anwar