Yes, I Know How My Pussy Tastes

And you probably should, too.

Meaghan Ward
4 min readApr 2, 2020


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

I have this friend Brigit who is very skittish about sex.

She was married for twenty years in a relationship that sounded mostly sexless if not completely sexually dysfunctional, her husband was the only man she’d ever been with, and she said she just didn’t really like sex.

Part of it, which she admitted to me, is that she has serious body confidence issues.

Even with her own husband she was always uncomfortable taking her clothes off and being naked with him and letting him touch the parts of her body that she was uncomfortable with. Her stomach, her thighs, even her breasts.

She’s been separated from him for a while now and I think has been starting to consider a new male companion — if only for the fact that she has been asking me a lot more lately about sex.

Maybe it’s because she knows I’m a sex writer and have sex on the mind all the time, maybe it’s cause she trusts me, I don’t know.

But when she asked me a couple of weeks ago what cunnilingus felt like I just about rolled over and died.

“You’re husband never went down on you???”

“No, I didn’t want him to,” she said.

I stared at her for a while. “Well, why not?”

“Cause what if I smell down there and taste nasty?” she asked, her nose crinkling up in a look of disgust.

Okay, girl.

Here we go.

I remember the first time I got really, really wet.

It also happened to be the first night I got fingered, and when I went home and changed my clothes I pulled down my panties and was shocked and horrified to see how thoroughly soaked they were.

Black panties slick with a warm clear fluid that was all over me and I had to explore.

I dipped my fingers into my panties and brought them up to my nose.

It didn’t really smell like anything.

I gingerly brought my finger to my tongue and had the first taste of myself — and it was pretty good.

I thought I tasted rather sweet then, and I still do.

But that, of course, was only the beginning of me, well, experimenting with myself.

I learned my body and all of the smells and tastes and juices it can produce, because it’s my body and feels like part of my job, to get to know it.

I know how sweet and delicious I taste after a shower, I know if I dip my fingers into my vagina the next day I still taste delicious.

I know exactly how long I can go without changing panties or showering before I get funky, and I know that to some people even that funkiness is an amazing, pungent odor that turns them on hard.

And, shockingly (or maybe not so much) there were a couple of guys who wanted my pussy “dirty” or days unwashed, because they felt that was more natural, and they really liked getting back to nature.

I tried convincing my friend Brigit that most guys don’t give a shit what you smell or taste like, they just want to eat your pussy.

Every woman has their own personal scent and taste, and getting comfortable with those on your own is an important step to being comfortable with letting other people smell and taste you.

I gave Brigit homework.

Stick your hand in your pants and see what it smells like.

Stick a finger in your vagina and see what it tastes like, then report back.

She did.

“It wasn’t pleasant, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.”

Well, that’s a start, I thought.

“But what if a whole day goes by and you have to pee and stuff, they can’t go down on you then,” she said, sounding horrified.

Oh, yes they can, my dear friend, and they want to.

Besides, no one should be afraid of a little pee.


I got my skittish friend to taste her pussy, I felt vindicated and accomplished that I was helping someone I cared about get closer to herself sexually.

But will that ever get her to let a guy go down on her? I don’t know…

I happen to love the taste of my pussy. It’s totally natural, authentically me.

I love tasting and smelling it when I’m masturbating, I love licking the taste of myself off of someone else’s fingers, I love tasting myself on my partner’s lips when we kiss.

The taste and smell of my own pussy is an aphrodisiac to me, and I don’t think it is just for me.

Put your head between any woman’s legs and see if you don’t get addicted.

We’re all delicious in our own way.

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Meaghan Ward

Former sex writer, current culture writer. I’m still the girl your parents warned you about.