Breeding Kink and the Pregnant Pause

Why is this coming back to my creative mind?

G. Charles
Sexy Psyche


2 min readMay 29, 2024



A husband and wife live across the street from a single woman and meet due to helping each other after a storm.

They open up about their lives and end up as a threesome family. In the 4th installment published on MyErotica, the wife Joanne wants to get pregnant but can’t. The single woman, Kari, who has left her lesbian wife, tells Joanne that she’d like Allan the husband to impregnate her.

The fourth installment surprised me since I hadn’t plotted it out but to me it also seemed natural as they were overcoming obstacles and growing closer in their relationship.

Click here for the stories in the series:

Nursing the Neighbor Series

A couple of years ago, I became aroused at the thought of writing breeding stories or pregnancy stories — something I never expected to happen.


Who knows but maybe because it’s a delicate topic and I wanted to write about the wonder of sex leading to life. And there are the aesthetics and shows the incredible functioning of a woman’s body.

But I also know the societal issues I’ve read from women on Medium. I also know pregnancy is tough and I plan to write stories that bring out the reality.

I’m a dad who’s had four kids … through adoption out of foster care, not by my wife becoming pregnant.

Another reason is I’ve become bored by photos of beautiful women in bikinis — another topic I want to write about.

None of these reasons fully explains my interest and arousal so sometimes it’s not easy to figure out our why. What’s more important in fiction is to write a good story.

Maybe the use of “breeding” fascinates me, too, and yet it’s a precious process.

Here are other stories I’ve written since September 2023:

Breeding with the Ranch Hand

The Breeding Ground (sweet and sentimental)

Breeding Cara




G. Charles
Sexy Psyche

Exploring the intersection of friendship, romance and the erotic. Twitter @Gcs2090