Can you find the underground spring and the secret to your lustful thoughts?

An essay I wrote over 4 years ago still intrigues me — and may be pertinent for you

G. Charles
Sexy Psyche
1 min readMar 16, 2024


Photo by Jorge Fakhouri Filho: Pexels

My first entry on Medium was an essay as I reflected on why I think as I do.

You write like you think and read and since 2009, much of my fiction and writing has centered on erotica. My thoughts didn’t emerge from just anywhere.

I’ve recognized how they’ve been with me since childhood and have twisted and turned during my adult years. Our thoughts can be like floodwaters and that’s what has intrigued me: our mind is a playground and our actions reflect what we think about.

Hope you enjoy this essay:

Where Did My Kink Begin

Also, my mind is churning through the causes and ways we fall in … and out … of love.

I’ll be musing and writing on that and what it means for our relationships in the days ahead.

Glad you’re reading,




G. Charles
Sexy Psyche

Exploring the intersection of friendship, romance and the erotic. Twitter @Gcs2090