The G Spot: I’m Not a Lesbian But I Get It

Relationships are puzzles we all have to struggle with

G. Charles
Sexy Psyche
2 min readJun 4, 2022


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk: Pexels

My soccer character Kayce is really taking off — her competitive nature is sexy and she’s driven to overcome her struggles in the sport. And she’s lesbian. No doubt about it.


I’m not lesbian or gay, but I’ve had struggles in trying to achieve goals just like Kayce and I find that some close relationships require more give and take than other relationships.

I love it when characters grow and develop and I honestly respect Kayce, but who is she?

She’s in two of my published stories and a third one is ready and waiting to be published, likely in the next week or so. You can read about her by clicking on the titles:

Grappling to Score

Grappling with the Star

Grappling with Fame (to be published soon)

I envision a fourth story and there’s enough in them to turn the stories into an ebook.

In the third book, she’s challenged to understand how her love for her girlfriend back home impacts her current situation. Is she really committed to her or not?

Like I said, we all deal with relationship puzzles and there are universal elements we face.

For a listing of many of my erotica stories please click here:

A Guide to My Erotica Stories

For a listing of my personal essays and sexual health please click here:

Relationships and Sexual Health Index

If there are any of my stories you especially enjoyed, I’d be curious to know.

Happy reading!!!



G. Charles
Sexy Psyche

Exploring the intersection of friendship, romance and the erotic. Twitter @Gcs2090