What is Sexy?

Should you try to be sexy or is that only for beautiful people?

G. Charles
Sexy Psyche


Photo by Urban Gyllström on Unsplash

What does sexy mean and is it important in a world conflicted with wars, inflation, and the Detroit Lions not making the Super Bowl?

I’ll admit the above is a rhetorical question but the question has been on my mind and is a reason I launched my pub as Sexy Psyche in December 2019.

Writing erotica was central to my storytelling and I figured I’d publish some steamy stories here. But I believe sexy is more than erotic storytelling and it’s more than sex.

The G. Charles definition of sexy is under development but I’ll break down the steps as I build the definition. I believe sexiness first and foremost creates a sense of well-being in yourself and leads others to treat you positively.

Think of a cashier at a grocery store scanning your items and ringing up your bill. Warm eyes, a friendly smile, and an empathetic voice put you at ease.

Ethnic man with glasses, beard
Ok, turn those lips slightly but still nice; Photo by Leilani Angel on Unsplash

Let’s start there: warm eyes, a friendly smile, and the tone of your voice can pull you out of your stress, even for a…



G. Charles
Sexy Psyche

Exploring the intersection of friendship, romance and the erotic. https://gcsub2090.medium.com Twitter @Gcs2090