Alice Rich
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2019

Tourists will love to arrive at their hotels and retire to their rooms within minutes. Are you thinking about this solution? Well, you got it! Your guests will no longer have to wait in front of your reception desk anymore. In this dispensation of technological development, Sezam24 champions a digital self-service in hotels which hasten your guests’ registration time, manages business expenditure and improves precision.

What is SEZAM24

Sezam24 is a creative technological advancement aimed at improving the hotel check-ins for the sole sake of enhancing the customers’ experience and ensuring that both parties, the consumer and the hotel, are beneficiaries. Sezam24 offers your hotel guests the fastest on arrival check-in which affords them more time to rest by retiring to retiring rooms. This registration kiosk does not exactly exempt receptionists from their work, instead allows them to perform other functions while they get back to the guests after they might have rested, to give them advice on how best to enjoy their stay.

Features of SEZAM24

PMS integration: The PMS integration is restructuring the retail and hotel niche. They are computerized systems that facilitate the management of properties, personal property, equipment, including maintenance, legalities, and personnel all through a single piece of software. PMS is replacing old-fashioned, paper-based methods that tended to be both cumbersome and inefficient. They are often deployed as client/server configurations.

Daily cleaning reports: For hotels, this feature enhances easy-report and collection of statistical data. Also, the Sezam24 automated application helps in the future booking of well-furnished rooms.

24 hours daily check up on the clients for their upkeep: The system does not only check-in customers, it checks up on clients, customers and tourist all day long to see if they are comfortable or if they feel at home at the hotel and if they need anything. Sezam24 is the future of data entry in the hotel and retailing industry.

Multilingual interface: Sezam24 has been designed not only to focus on one language, but it Has been simulated to serve clients with different language background to serve clients with various language backgrounds.


The general aim is to promote qualitative hotel culture while delivering the best customer experience to hotel clients. The automated registration system Allows for faster, efficient, and hassle-free hotel check-in.

Guest identification

To check in, your guests will be prompted to select their preferred language and identify themselves with their Booking confirmation number and the PIN they use for the guest self-service app. It comes with their booking confirmation or with a dedicated automated pre-arrival message.

E-Registration cards, policies & signature

Sezam24 will let your guests review hotel check-in and stay policies, fill in their personal details in e-registration cards and finger sign on the touchscreen. If registration details have been entered in advance in the self-service app, guests will only need to confirm them. Registration card fields and stay policies are completely customizable to reflect your requirements.

Keycard issuing

Once the check-in procedures have been performed, Sezam24 will prompt guests to encode their doorlock keycards. They simply need to pick a card from the card holder box and hold it close to the encoder which will beep and blink to indicate successful encoding.



Alice Rich
Editor for

Columnist, journalist, tech expert / bringing automation to the hospitality industry —