The Digital Concierge

Alice Rich
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2019

For any hotel, the reception area is key to your success. Not only is it the first place that new guests will see of your operations, but it is the area where they will be kept waiting. Anyone in your reception who detects inefficiency is likely to think that it is a cultural issue in the business as a whole. As such, making your front desk as productive as possible ought to be a key part of your business strategy.

Self-service hotel check-in kiosk in the lobby

Sezam24 guest management system is built for hotels as a simple way to meet guests. Ideal for reception areas with lots of guests or where front desks will be unmanned from time to time, an automated check-in system is undoubtedly one of the top ways to boost your front desk efficiency. With a high-level of automation, Sezam24 allow guests to check-in for themselves and to do so without the need to queue.

Sezam24 receives data from the hotel PMS, showing the booking information to the guest in a simple and understandable format. Sezam24 forwards the Check In data to the PMS. The management and staff have a complete and immediate update of all changes and the actual status of the booking, including the positive outcome of the final check-in.

Sezam24 is not only able to retrieve all the information necessary to complete the booking process but automatically dispense the room key at the end of the check-in process (Onity, Salto, Omnitec, BeTech, Kaba, CISA, VingCard, TESA).

No more errors on the room cards encoding thanks to the automation of Sezam24 and the check-in is available at any time as the presence of an employee is not necessary.

New features in the Sezam24 hotel check-in kiosk:

  • More Languages Supported: The presence of 42 different languages ​​breaks down any language barrier facilitating the check-in experience and making it less stressful for both customers and staff. Your customers will feel at ease without having to worry about linguistic misunderstandings.
  • Added animations for every step (payment, scanning ID, signature): As much as registration on the Sezam24 kiosk is easy, it has even got more comfortable with the addition of How-To-Do-It animations. These newly added animations will guide you through the processes involved in the payment, scanning your Identity and signature.
  • Emergency Lost Key Retrieval: Have guests lost their card? Thanks to Sezam24 hotel check-in kiosk it is possible to request the delivery of a new card.

The check-in experience is extraordinarily simplified and speeded up, saving your guests time but providing them with a welcoming welcome in your facility, regardless of the nationality of your guests. Check-ins can be carried out at night. Room cards are stored in the device, also providing your customers with a reference point to turn to if they lose their card.

Book a free on-line consultation with one of Sezam24 team.



Alice Rich
Editor for

Columnist, journalist, tech expert / bringing automation to the hospitality industry —