SF Cooking School
SF Cooking
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2015


From the very beginning, our local community of chefs and food industry professionals have played an important role in shaping the ethos and curriculum of San Francisco Cooking School. This on-going dialogue with the industry has allowed us to create a culinary program that is meaningful both for students and for their future prospective employers.

This symbiotic relationship is what makes SFCS so unique. We are lucky enough to bring some of the country’s top food talent into our classroom on a weekly basis. Our students have invaluable access to award-winning chefs through intensive workshops, mentorship opportunities, and in-the-field work experiences.

SFCS students get a lot of great advice from our guest chefs. We write them all down throughout the year and tape them up as a reminder any time we need a little inspiration.

Here are some of our favorite words of wisdom…which are applicable well beyond the kitchen if we do say so ourselves:

1. Do what you love and do it often.

2. Work for the best.

3. Come first. Leave last. Work hard.

4. Walk with purpose.

5. Be a silent observer.

6. Buy cookbooks that predate the Internet.

7. Don’t get discouraged.

8. Your job doesn’t start and end in the kitchen. Go home and read. Go out and eat.

9. Don’t change the menu just to change it. Sometimes you aren’t ready to let a dish go.

10. A full trash can is a good thing. It means you are pushing yourself.

11. Focus is a choice.

12. Know your basics.

13. Show up. Kick ass. Be Kind. Repeat.

Learn more about our Professional Culinary and Pastry Programs
at SF Cooking School.

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