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@Transactional Annotation with Examples

Kuldeep singh
Published in
5 min readOct 1, 2023


When developing Spring Boot applications, managing transactions is a critical aspect of ensuring data consistency and integrity in your database. Spring Boot provides the @Transactional annotation as a powerful tool for simplifying transaction management. We'll explore what @Transactional is, how it works, and dive into practical examples of its various options.

What is @Transactional?

The @Transactional annotation is a part of the Spring Framework’s transaction management support. It is used to define the scope of a transaction in your application. A transaction is a series of related operations that must either all succeed or all fail, ensuring data consistency in your database.

How @Transactional Works

The @Transactional annotation works by creating a proxy around the target object, intercepting method calls to manage transactions. When a method annotated with @Transactional is invoked, Spring Boot starts a transaction. After the method finishes executing, it either commits the transaction (if the method completes successfully) or rolls it back (if an exception occurs). Let’s look at some key aspects of @Transactional:

Transaction Propagation:



Kuldeep singh

Tech enthusiast. Crafting code that blends innovation with functionality. Exploring tech trends, sharing insights.