Understanding Publisher’s implementations (Reactor Java)

Kuldeep singh
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2023


Photo by Drew Farwell on Unsplash

Exploring Mono in Reactor Java

In this section, we will dive into the Mono publisher implementation in Reactor Java and understand how it represents a stream with zero or one element. We’ll explore real-time examples where Mono is commonly used and demonstrate its usage in asynchronous or delayed result scenarios.

Example Scenario: Fetching User Details

In this scenario, imagine a web application where we need to fetch details of a user from a remote database. Let’s see how Mono can be used for such an asynchronous operation.

Step 1: Creating a Mono We can create a Mono using the just() method and provide the user ID to fetch the details.

Mono<User> fetchUserDetails(String userId) {
// Simulating asynchronous operation to fetch user details
return Mono.fromCallable(() -> userRepository.findById(userId))

When you use subscribeOn(Schedulers.parallel()), you're indicating that the subscription (the part of the reactive stream where the data producer and data consumer are connected) should run on a scheduler that is designed for parallel execution. This can be useful in scenarios where you have a CPU-bound or computationally intensive task and…



Kuldeep singh

Tech enthusiast. Crafting code that blends innovation with functionality. Exploring tech trends, sharing insights.