How To Get A Job As a Salesforce Administrator

Amit Arora
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2019
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You just got your Salesforce Admin Certification — congratulations! Now you move on to the part that you’re probably not the fondest of i.e., Job hunting! And I don’t blame you.

It’s getting harder to get a job as a Salesforce Administrator. In most cases, you’re stuck between lack of experience and not getting hired because of it. It’s the chicken and egg situation.

This meme probably answers it best!

So here are some steps you can take to ensure you get hired as a Salesforce Administrator and put that shiny new Admin 201 Certification to good use!

Step 1: Get Some Experience


Amit: How the heck am I supposed to get experience without a job?

Okay, hear me out. Everyone loves free labor 😀

Reach out to local universities, churches, and non-profit organizations and see if they’re looking for some help. Let them know you’re available to work on their Salesforce org. If they don’t have a Salesforce Org, introduce them to the idea and tell them that non-profits get free user licenses from Salesforce.

There is no better way to get real-life experience than implementing an actual ORG.

Here is a trailhead that’ll help you get the skills required to become an NPSP Specialist.

Thank you for providing this link, Marc.

Step 2: Level Up 🏆

This should be no surprise, but you must up your Trailhead game. If you’re in the Salesforce ecosystem and don’t know about Trailhead, then you’re living under a rock :)

One thing that can help you get noticed is to brag about your Badges and points. Salesforce has done a great job of gamifying Trailhead. Make sure you update your Linkedin posts with your achievements. Here’s an example of posting about your trailhead badges on Linkedin.

This will show the world that you know your shit!

While talking about Linkedin, let’s discuss your profile on Linkedin. If you’re in the market looking for a job and want to be found, then you should put some TLC (Tender Love & Care) in your profile.

Remember, potential recruiters have mere seconds to look at your profile and decide if you look interesting or not. So make it count. Try to squeeze your achievements into your BIO with a sprinkle of personality and a dash of humor.

Here’s what my Linkedin profile looks like right now. I think it has room for improvement. But I’m not looking for a job right now, so I can slack a little 😜

Step 3: User Group Meetings

Attending these free User Group Meetings are essential to finding a job. The key to getting hired through User Group meetings is to share your knowledge. Be sure to show up with your personality and wow people with your knowledge of Salesforce.

Ask questions, listen to what people are talking about, make friends with the User Group leader, Network, go to the Happy Hour after the session, and for the love of god — BE PERSONABLE!

Companies these days are hiring for personality more than skill (unless you have a unique skill)

Step 4: Get In Touch With Recruiters

My first job in the IT space was through Robert Half. Recruitment agencies get paid if they get you placed. So they have a shared incentive for your success. And when I say get in touch with these agencies, I mean go drop in with your resume and get to know the recruiters.

  • Connect with them on Twitter/Linkedin.
  • Send them email reminders every couple of weeks.
  • Visit them once a month.

Do whatever it takes to stay on top of their minds. This will help you get placed faster.

When you go visit a recruiter for the first time, make sure you have a professional resume with you that stands out from the rest. Why?

Step 5: Apply Online But Don’t Spray and Pray

Like online dating, you need to find a company that suits your life goals and vice versa.

Don’t just swipe left and right for the next available job. Be methodical in researching the company, the job posting, your expectations, etc.

When you do find a job that speaks to you, be sure to include a personalized cover letter.

After you’re done applying for the job, don’t just wait for a response. Be #proactive

Reach back out in a week if you haven’t heard back. Make sure you stay on top of that application till you hear back (if it’s something you want).

Follow these steps, and you should be on your way to being an Employed Certified Salesforce Admin!



Amit Arora

6X Salesforce ☁️ Certified | Certified Sales Cloud Consultant | Service Cloud Consultant | Community Cloud Consultant | Platform App Builder