Empowering Teachers in Armenia: SFL to Sponsor Edcamp

SFL Newsroom
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2019
Narek Manukyan introducing Paradigma

Of all the hard jobs around, one of the hardest is being a good teacher. Maggie Gallagher

A student spends a total of 10K hours in a classroom during their school years. That’s a lot of time in fact. The teacher’s impact is huge during these hours considering that around 3K students interact with a teacher during their career.

And if someone tells you that technology might one day replace teachers, keep in mind that there is only a 1% chance for that!

But is a teacher’s impact always empowering or positively life-changing? Studies show that a whopping 86% of children lose creativity at school. However, if empowered, teachers can help fix this number and drive positive change.

Introducing Edcamp Armenia which is a free open (Un)conference for continuous professional learning of teachers & educators. Edcamps are being organized in 43 countries around the globe with two main goals of helping teachers:

  1. Share knowledge and experience
  2. Build a learning community

Edcamp is not a standard professional development training or conference. It is more about experiencing and feeling the connection with other teachers, and it is entirely open and free for anyone to attend. During an Edcamp, everyone CHOOSES what they are going to learn during the day. And if someone’s session is not meeting your needs/expectations, you can always get up and leave; no one is going to ask you to stay. You have the power to choose your learning; it’s completely democratized.

So, the idea is that the Paradigma Educational Foundation is organizing an Edcamp in Armenia this summer and SFL is proud to announce that we will be sponsoring this great event and we hope that it will help drive positive change and empower more students through empowering more teachers.

The Co-founder of the Paradigma Educational Foundation Narek Manukyan and his team recently carried out an info session at SFL and introduced the whole concept of Edcamp to us. The great news is that the event is open for registration both for speakers and regular attendees. We highly encourage you to register for participation and to also let your friends know about this.

It’s actually a great idea to drive positive change through empowering teachers.

Let’s be the change!

