UX Yerevan 2018: SFL’s in All-Ready Mode

SFL Newsroom
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2018

Tomorrow is the best time to talk user experience! UX is truly about sharing- there’s no formal A-Z to guide you through what’s right. So, there’s the most prominent UX event on it’s way- UX Yerevan 2018!

With a returning visit from Vitaly Fiedman, editor-in-chief of the Smashing magazine, and speakers Alberta Soranzo, Service Design and Systems Thinking Director at Lloyds Banking Group, and Nick Babich from UX Planet, the event is going to touch upon a big number of “topics of interest”.

It’s open for all representatives of design world, so professionals from various domains can interact, network, and share!

We at SFL were really curious to share this event with all of you! This is why we made a decision to bring this experience closer to those interested by becoming one of the main sponsors of the event. So, don’t hesitate to join in!

By the way, if you want to follow the event on social media, make sure to check out #UXevn

What to Expect from UX Yerevan

It is expected that the workshop will touch upon the following areas of UI/UX:


  • Big Bang Redesign: Smashing Magazine’s 2017 Relaunch, a Case Study
  • Reaching For Stars: Why Images Matter
  • Dirty Little Tricks From The Dark Corners of Front-End
  • Dirty Little Tricks From The Dark Corners Of Responsive Web Design

Mobile Design

  • Animation in Mobile UX Design
  • Navigation Patterns in Mobile Apps
  • Accessibility for Visual Design
  • Cards in UI Design
  • User Onboarding


  • Dirty Little Tricks From The Dark Corners of eCommerce
  • Service Design & System Thinking
  • Architecting change (digital transformation, psychology and talent)
  • Our eternal digital change (ethics, AI & UX)

The seminar covers some stumbling points for designers of different backgrounds and expertise, as well as some core experiences for those striving for better user experience and user-friendly implementation in products.

We do encourage y’all to participate. Make sure to arm yourself with all your questions, as Q&A sessions are also expected! And also, get ready to share knowledge extensively, as this is one of the cornerstones of the seminar!Hope you make it there and we have a chance to learn from each other!

About the author

Armine Hakobyan is a technology-oriented content specialist and social media geek.

Let’s talk!

