When Company Culture Speaks for Itself

SFL Newsroom
2 min readJun 15, 2017


The key elements of your company’s culture aren’t being built in one day. And it suffices to say, company culture is the only thing you couldn’t hide even if you try hard because it’s your company identity and it always speaks for itself. Ready to dig deeper into this?

Self-promoting culture

When you treat company culture as one of the central features of overall success, it will be speaking before you do so: people will know you for it, you will make hiring decisions and people will make decisions to join based on it. It will be the stuff that glues your company together!

A culture that is open to all aspects of being human provokes employee satisfaction, which results in lower turnover and better performance. Employees don’t have to go job hopping and you don’t have to search for a change twice a trimester!

A culture worth sharing

What if I say it starts from the first greeting word — “hello” and ends with a farewell word “adieu”? Yes, from the first sight these unimportant things actually make a successive part of your culture along with the company mission, history, values, org charts and benefits. Every detail here matters a lot and there’s no need to hide them anymore… For the sake of what?

Think about all the crazy things you are sharing in your everyday organizational life — like, taking photos of sleeping employees in the funniest positions, gathering them for a while and publicizing them one day as a big surprise or secretly hiring an artist to draw the caricatures of your staff and hanging them all around your office like the laundry out to dry… And when the time is appropriate — on hiring or newbie onboarding, share your craziness … Why not?


Don’t hide! Share one, two or three screwed up things that have helped employees get promoted and you in lieu have shaped your culture. If all of these things will wake your people up or make other peeps outside your company jazz about your culture and join your company then why not speak about it? Work on it by being an example and the culture will become a self-selecting mechanism for employees and new candidates!

And, if you are willing to build a great company culture, but are uncertain of the how-s, stay tuned for our next article on how to build proper company culture!

About the author

Varduhi Petrosyan is SFL’s HR specialist, happiness manager and talent hunter.

With a background in technology, she is especially good at making hiring decisions for tech teams.

