San Francisco wins 2019 Engaged Cities Award

The City and County of San Francisco is honored to be one of three finalists awarded the international 2019 Engaged Cities Award for our Civic Bridge program.

The Engaged Cities Award recognizes cities who engage their residents in thoughtful and impactful ways. Through Civic Bridge, our public-private partnership program, we pull from San Francisco’s talented pool of skilled volunteers to work with City departments on a wide array of civic challenges⁠ — from building a user-friendly online portal for affordable housing to improving access to services for transgender and gender non-conforming communities.

We are honored to receive the Engaged Cities Award, and even more honored to work with our incredible Civic Bridge partners. A huge thank you to our 23+ private sector partners and to all of our City departments!

We’d also like to congratulate our fellow Engaged Cities Award finalists Flint, Michigan and Plymouth, UK!

We invite you to read more here.



San Francisco Mayor's Office of Innovation
San Francisco Office of Civic Innovation

San Francisco Mayor's Office of Innovation, making @sfgov more collaborative, inventive and responsive to San Franciscans. #civicinnovation